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Reading Response: Ellen Johnstone Liang Suzhou Pian

Essay Instructions:

Name: Weizhen Pan
From time to time throughout the semester I will be assigning short response papers, basically a 300- to 600-word response to one of the assigned texts.
What I will be looking for in these papers is:
1. Evidence that you read the text: a brief summary (no longer than a paragraph) of what the text is about, with some attention to who wrote it and why. All the assignments are secondary sources, so identifying the author's thesis and argument would be useful.
2. Evidence that you thought about the text in relation to the art featured in the week's readings and/or concepts that are raised in readings for another class. This should form the bulk of the paper.
3. Good writing.
Within these parameters, you can go in any direction you want with these papers. If the text makes you think about the nature of Chinese literature, society, or politics, please write about it. I am hoping that these papers will stimulate your thinking about Chinese culture and that this will deepen your understanding of Chinese art. Please note, though, that I am not interested in thoughtless criticism of Chinese culture. If you have a negative reaction to the text, you need to stop to reflect on how the values of Chinese society in a particular period might differ from modern values. If you find the text confusing, it is fine to focus on one part of it.
Please refer to the notes in your syllabus about appropriate formats for written work and about plagiarism (I will upload the format requirement in the next step).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Instructor:
Reading Response
The quest to identify original works of art according to Ellen Johnstone Liang in his writing on “Suzhou Pian” and other Dubious Paintings in the Received “Oeuvre” have proved difficult due to the emergence of several forgers whose techniques in forgery improve everyday making it more difficult to separate fake from original. Forgers have gone to the extent of adding artist’s own names in the fake pieces of art making it more difficult to detect (Laing 265). The achievements of famous painters for example Qui Ying have been forgotten due to the increase of forgers who falsely attach his name to forged paintings. Paintings can be faked by changing and distorting the artist’s signatures, forgery and distribution of fake seals that supposedly belong to the original painters. Several initiatives have been taken to ensure that this practice is put under control and is exposed in order to keep the original authors relevant throughout history. Ellen’s main focus was to point out the works of various authors to expose the fake works of art.
Forgery was evident in most regions in China; Beijing, Tianjin, Shangai, Guangzhou and Suzhou with Tianjin calligraphers and painters being the experts in the forgery business (Liang 266). It reached a point where the forgery of paintings became an industry of its own with several people being employed to handle the various stages of forging paintings. Several fakers specialized in a specific type of paintings and forged them to generate income. The practice of forgery was wide spread to the point that poets had to compose poems to list the names of people whose art had been faked. The forgers preferred certain themes for instance the literary of origin as it catered the combination of calligraphy and painting in the same piece of art....
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