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Argumentative Essay: Compare Which One Is More Compelling

Essay Instructions:

Read Declaration of Independence, the third paragraph the first sentence and preamble to the United States Constitution, compare which one is more compelling. I will upload what you need to read, they are very short. make sure it is high school level and I am an international student from China. That's all.

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Argumentative Essay
The debate over which is more compelling in the first sentence of the third paragraph of the Declaration of Independence or the Preamble to the U.S constitution gets more complicated as Declaration of Independence serves as the basis of the Constitution. In 1776, the autocracy of King George necessitated the thirteen English American colonies to unite, proclaim independence and to dissolve political relations with Great Britain (Wills 56). The statement in the first sentence of the third paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is an important part of the history of America because it showed the colonists that America has resolved to be free. Unlike the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence became the first step for the United Statesto effectively serves its purpose, making the statement therein a compelling one.
The Declaration of Independence announced to the world that the United States was an independent while the Constitution laid the foundation on how the nation should run. Thomas Jefferson who was a well-educated graduate from The College of William and Mary class of 1762 wrote the statement. Jefferson was interested in politics and in June 1775 became a Continental Congress delegate (Wills 62). The following year he was appointed to write the Declaration’s first draft due to his rational competence and his known writing skills. Therefore, by just reading the Declaration of Independence you are compelled by the good choice of words, and the message delivered. Due to its compelling nature, on July 4, 1776, the American Congress universally approved the Declaration of Independence (Wills 61).
The Preamble of the Constitution tra...
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