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GLOB 1100: War Eagle Bike Share

Essay Instructions:

GLOB 1100 Essay 2: Sustainability on Campus

In this unit you have been discussing sustainability. For this essay, you will explore sustainable initiatives on campus, and write a 1,000-word essay describing one way that Auburn University is working to become more sustainable.

You have three choices for sustainable initiatives on campus, or you may choose your own with instructor approval. You should use 3-4 sources for this essay. You may use 1 of the sources below that I have given you. You can supplement with 2 other sources of your own that you found that is related to your topic.

Topic Options:

War Eagle Bike Share

Campus Recycling and Waste Management

Fighting Hunger on Campus

Other On-Campus Options

If you know of another sustainability initiative on campus that you would like to explore, you may write about it in your topic proposal and have it approved by your instructor.

Essay Structure Guide:

Define the issue/situation

What problem is this initiative trying to solve?

What have you observed about this problem?

What campus initiative has been created to solve this problem?

What are the causes/effects?

What caused this issue?

Where do you see this issue in the world?

Where do you see this issue on campus?

What are the effects of this issue?

What effects do you see from this issue in the world?

What are the effects on campus?

What is being done about it currently?

Describe the campus initiative and what they are doing to solve this problem.

What solutions to the problem have you observed on campus?

What else should be done?

What are your recommendations/predictions/final thoughts?


You will complete a topic proposal and a minor assignment related to this essay.

This essay should be at least 1000 words.

You should use one-inch margins, 12-pt. font, double-spacing, a title, the correct header, and page numbers.

You should use at least one source provided here for you with your topic. You will also have your own observations, and you should find at least one other source that discuss your topic to help you in your essay. These sources could describe your topic generally, talk about how it is a problem in other places, talk about this problem on other college campuses, etc.

You must have a Works Cited page, and you must also cite all of your sources in your essay using in-text citations.

I chose the first one, the eagle bicycle

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date War Eagle Bike Share The world today is facing many environmental problems. It is essential to conserve and ensure that we do not deprive resources for future generations. Campus sustainability at Auburn University is one of the ways to address environmental challenges. In this Endeavour, the War Eagle Bike Share is a critical initiative for the university to ensure ecological sustainability. By using the initiative, this paper shows benefits of the project to sustaining the campus, the nearby community and the world at large. Auburn University is working to become more sustainable by protecting the present hence meeting its needs and conserving the future. War Eagle Bike Share is an idea that helps to meet the transport needs of the students as well as preserving the environment. It is easy and efficient to use and has flexible parking. It is free to use the bike for the first two hours and a charge of $5 per hour and a maximum of $25 per day (Auburn University | Gotcha Bike). Additionally, it is easy to use the bicycle one can access it from an app and even enables a student to put hold when busy. It is advantageous to a student due to its flexibility of night use, easy maintenance in case of a problem. The problem Auburn University is facing is the issue of health and environment conservation. The university is trying to curb the problem by introducing the project to help control most environmental issues, the general health status of the students. It is easy to observe that the project has positive impacts on the school since there are improvements in reducing congestion, reduction in pollution and time The initiative aims to reduce the number of vehicles brought to campus by students. Additionally, the initiative aims at reducing the demand for automobile usage, decrease the need for parking, increase the general quality of life at campus thus also result in financial benefits. (Gallagher and Rybarczyk 8). Bicycles do not use fuel so they cannot pollute the environment with toxic fumes from gas emissions and this also helps in saving economically. Moreover, bicycles do not produce noise during cycling hence preventing noise pollution, especially during classes. The bikes are reasonable means of transport since they do not cause fuel leakage to the environment. Again, bicycles help reduce congestion at school and even traffic jam heading to school. In observation, there is a lot of environmental pollution at the campus generated from cars fumes, waste, and plastics that needs recycling. The university has come up with a campus sustainability initiative to solve such as providing efficient parking services and more bike hubs places around the school and the neighborhood (War Eagle Bike Share). Moreover, in partnerships with Gotcha bikes and social bikes, there is an introduction of e-bikes to help curb the problem. War Eagle Bike Share continues to grow as its usage is increasing among the students and the nearby communities. More parking place and bike hubs are opening up to balance the demand for bikes (Hurley). Apart from environmental benefits, bike riding also helps students i...
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