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Structure and Advantages of Political Parties

Essay Instructions:

What can or should we do about any one of the following topics: money in

politics, political parties, interest groups, the media or our present system of selecting a

president? Consult at least three books. Cite your sources including articles and web sites.

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Political Parties
According to Nicolas Brasch, a political party is an organized group of people, who may or may not come from different backgrounds but have common viewpoints (Brasch 14). Together, they work for the betterment of the country and agree on specific policies and programs that are meant for the progress of the state. Various political parties are said to have an ideological core, but some do not, and many of them represent ideologies different from the ideology at the time the party was formed. In countries like India and Germany, a significant number of political parties have been founded in recent years. Cuba and China are amongst those countries that have a one-party system, meaning they do not allow more than one political party to rule the country. Compared to this, the United States is where a two-party system is followed. At the same time, numerous smaller parties participate in political, social and economic discussions and tend to resolve legal conflicts peacefully and nicely. Almost all of these parties have a high degree of autonomy for individual candidates.
The Structure of Political Parties
All political parties are led by respective party leaders, who are considered the most influential and powerful members representing their parties at both national and international levels. On the other hand, the party secretary is the person who has to maintain the daily work and records of party meetings. The third most prominent member of political parties is the treasurer, who takes care of membership dues. It should be noticed that the structure of political parties in the United States is more decentralized than any other country, which is due to the separation of federalism and powers. The national party leader is called the president, and every political party in the United States has a chairman, who is responsible for raising funds and organizing and managing the party in one way or the other (Burgan & Barnett 45). Sometimes party conferences are held in parliamentary democracies, which are to affirm party values for members in the future. In the United States, there is a system of meeting political leaders once a while so that their track records are checked before electing the most suitable political leader.
Advantages of Political Parties
The organization is the core benefit that political parties pro...
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