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Myth And Imagination The Modern Day Narcissus

Essay Instructions:

For the assignment “Myth, Then & Now” you are asked to compare two versions of an ancient Greek or Roman myth from our course readings.

Please choose a modern retelling of an ancient myth. You might find this retelling, for example, a book, story, poem, visual artwork, film, television show, or video game. A list of suggested modern retellings will be posted and you can choose from that list, or you can select your own.

Please compose an essay that compares these two versions of the myth. It is up to you what elements of the myths you will discuss, e.g., visual elements, characterization, setting, plot, etc., but you must make sure to indicate clearly what these elements are.


Your Instructors may not be familiar with the contemporary myth that you have chosen to work with, so part of your assignment must be a clear description of the retelling of the myth that you are working with. You must also clearly cite the retold myth, that is, your Instructors should be able to locate the retold myth, if

they wanted to.

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The Modern Day Narcissus
There are different versions as to how Narcissus died - some say he burnt in passion for his unrequited love for himself while others say he killed himself. However the transition was, two things are for sure, that he was absorbed into looking at his beautiful reflection on the water, and that he ended up as a Narcissus flower (Graves, 2011). There are so many modern day retelling of such tale. So many books, films, plays, and even songs are created along the identicalities of the myth of this legendary hedonist. Despite the popularity of this theme, a classic novel stands out. With the Greek myth of Narcissus already being a foundation to many modern tales, Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray has raised the bar of this kind of stories’ standards.
* Greek myth of Narcissus
The tale of Narcissus is among the most popular Greek myths unto this day. It has become so influential that stories, films, songs, and even behavioral science has been molded after it. Narcissism, as per the characteristic of this mythological being, is a personality disorder in which a person is self-absorbed and unable to value other people (Diagnostics and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder). In the defining moment of his story. There were three Greek mythological creatures involved. Firstly it includes Narcissus. Secondly, Echo who was a punished nymph who can only repeat the words that she hears from another. And lastly, Nemesis. According to the myth, Narcissus was a handsome hunter. Many people had fallen in love with him. However, these affections always turn to be unrequited. One of these desperate admirers was Echo. She found Narcissus one day while he was out hunting and then and there fell love at first sight with him. She attempted to get close to him by following him around and reiterating his words. She even tried to embrace him. She showed him her affections but alas, he only bullied her off. Nemesis, the goddess of retribution and revenge saw what happened between Echo and Narcissus. She then lead Narcissus off to the banks of a body of water. Once he caught sight of the very handsome young man on the surface of the pond, he stayed down and continuously stared at it. He became very attracted and attached to the image, which of course was actually his own reflection, that he never left it. He fell so desperately in love with his own image and eventually wilted away into the Narcissus flower. Such was the conclusion of Nemesis’s punishment on him. Echo, on the other hand was extremely pained and continued to wander the forests until all that was left of her was her echoing sound.
II. The retold story of Narcissus
Among the most recognizable modern day adaptations of this Greek mythology of Narcissus is Oscar Wilde’s only novel ...
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