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Girls and Math. Literature and Language Assignment

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Girls and Math

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Girls and Math
There is no denying that education is important in life. Students from all over the world are always encouraged to study and work smart. While some teachers promise them a better life if they pass, others insist that knowledge tramples everything and it is what they should be after. Regardless of the above, one myth or stereotype regarding girls and their perception of math always seems to capture my attention. Since time immemorial, it has been said that girls are bad at math and science and hence their interest in the arts and other areas which require little math. The above claim has been spread throughout the world and even little children today will be heard saying that math is for boys because they are the ones who are better equipped to handle it. However, this article seeks to take a different stand on the matter and posit that girls are quite good at math and can rival the boys. But one thing often comes up whenever this topic is under discussion: society’s acceptance and reinforcement of the idea that boys are better than girls in some things or that some subjects and professions are solely for men. Well, while boys often show a certain resolve when it comes to certain situations and moments, girls are just as bright and can be trained to be as good as the best and in whichever field.
First of all, the society is guilty of selling the idea that girls come second or that they are not as good as boys. Looking at certain adverts and television shows, girls are shown as the weaker sex who are in need of boys. These scenarios as Stinson (np) says, are often found in Disney movies and hence the reason why she will not allow her children to watch them. She notes that “most of these films depict girls who spend their whole lives waiting for the prince to rescue them.” Sadly, the above mindset is quite common in these movies and parents never seem to take note of such misleading films. To them, these are just other movies and a way to entertain their children. Unknowingly to them, these movies instill ideas in their children’s minds which will forever guide and dictate their behavior. Girls, therefore, grow up knowing and believing that they are not as gifted or as endowed (knowledge-wise and skill-wise) as boys. This will affect their confidence, and given the idea that girls are not supposed to excel at math, many will adopt it as the truth.
The second thing that is faulty or that seeks to drive the notion that girls are bad at math is the competitive outlook or nature of today’s education. Teachers today seem to focus more on what grade students score and forget that the journey is also important. Therefore, a majority of the students will lag behind as others continue to score higher grades. Today, schools employ the Survival of the Fittest Rule which Cassell (np) explains that its main goal is to push everyone to be a top-player. “It states that in order to remain on top, you need to do everything you can to be the “top-player” in your field.” This emphasis on winning and being the best ha...
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