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Comparative Analysis Of Batman And Superman

Essay Instructions:

The essay is to analytically compare and contrast two fictional heroes or two fictional villains. This means that you will not only detail some of the similarities and differences, but you will discuss why those differences and similarities might exist and what the effect of the differences and similarities (on the audience, society, etc.) might be.

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Comparative Analysis of Batman and Superman
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June 25, 2018
Batman and Superman are fictional characters that are both popularized by the DC comics. Ever since their inception, both of these characters have garnered a lot of fan base, as both of them have become popular all over the world. This could easily be seen by the number of films that were dedicated to the two characters, which earned billions of dollars in profits. Concerning story, both of these characters serve as protagonists which prioritize people for their own sake. This hooks the audiences, which when coupled with their backstories, creates a compelling meaning for the things that they are fighting for. However, while both of them fights for the good, these circumstances together with other factors (i.e., theatricality) generates different perceptions about their characters. In this article, I would discuss the characteristics, life histories, aims, and presentation of these characters in greater detail. I believe that to create a meaningful comparative analysis between both of them, and it is essential that an interweaving analysis must be done with all of these aspects in mind.
Creation, Life Histories, and Abilities
On the one hand, Batman is created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane around May 1939. His first appearance in the DC universe was in its #27th installment. On the other hand, Superman was created one year earlier, when he appeared in DC’s Action Comics #1. Even during their first appearances in the world of comics, both of these characters have been very different in almost every other way. In terms of their origins, Superman (or Kal-El) was the son of a scientist named Jor-El. While the planet was teeming with life and technologically advanced, a mutiny forced his father to send him to Earth where he would find refuge as his foster parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent, would raise him under their care as Clark Kent. In comparison, Batman (Bruce Wayne) was born an Earthling from the billionaire Thomas and Martha Wayne. While both of them where generally joyous and peaceful children during their childhood, a tragic accident where Bruce’s parents were killed would make him more cunning and vicious towards criminality. As they grow up, Clark would be an office worker in the city occasionally who answers to the call of duty whenever he is needed. As per Bruce, he became the CEO and owner of Wayne Enterprises would scour the streets of Gotham, preventing criminals and other villains.
As per their talents and abilities, both of these characters are well-known for having their own unique skill sets that they use to save people. Superman is known for his superpowers including the ability to fly, move at supersonic speeds, super strength, laser vision, endurance, and extra sensitive hearing amongst others. His character was more popularized with the tagline “faster ...
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