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Interdependence among Women in The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Essay Instructions:

Essay 5: Thematic Analysis of The Color Purple

In a well developed and consistently organized essay, analyze a theme found in The Color Purple.

Intro Paragraph:


Thesis (stated as a universal theme)


At least three body paragraphs:

A topic sentence that introduces the focus of the paragraph

Multiple packages of support in each paragraph using evidence from the book

Cited evidence that comes from the book only (Do not use evidence from the movie.)

Discussion that connects the topic sentence to the evidence.

Evidence and discussion show a reading of the complete novel.

A conclusion:

Revisits the idea of the thesis without copying it exactly as it appears in the intro paragraph

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Interdependence among Women in The Color Purple by Alice Walker
In a patriarch society characterized by domestication of women and their subjugation to social injustices such as domestic violence and unfair treatment, the key to self-liberation and discovery rests in their union in one voice against their oppression. Alice Walker’s, The color Purple, paints in black and white, the suffering that women undergo in the society for lack of a voice and assertiveness to say no or rather stand up to the abusive treatment they experience from their male counterparts in the society. Women’s friendships and their relationship to one another plays a significant role in encouraging and empowering them to love and believe in themselves so as to overcome the challenges facing the woman in a highly patriarchal society. Celie, the main character of Alice walker epistolary, The color purple, rises against all odds to become a successful woman in the society with a family of her own that loves and respects her. Celie’s journey to rediscovering herself reveals the common problems and challenges faced by women in the society through their interactions and relationships that they foster upon the realization that progress in life for the women rests in their independence, which they learn through their dependency among themselves.
Celie begins to question her silent belief in the existing system deeming her inferior to men and specifically to Mr._, a widower, to whom she is married off by her abusive father on meeting Sofia, the wife to her step-son Harpo CITATION Ali03 \l 1033 (Walker). Sofia embraces her rights as a human being and stands up against the abuse or mistreatment of her husband. Celie, who is conformed to the oppressive nature of the patriarch society, is surprised by Sofia’s resistance and pity’s herself for not having the courage to stand against the battering of her husband Mr._. In one of the letters, she says of Sofia, “Sofia is Solid. Like if she sit down on something, it be smash,” in referring to Sofia’s staunch resistance and resolve to stand against any form of oppression or abuse from Harpo, her husband CITATION Ali03 \l 1033 (Walker). Celie’s helplessness in her situation drives her to be jealous of Sofia going to the extent of advising Harpo to beat up his wife for submission. In essence she is jealous of the freedom Sofia enjoys in her marriage as she can do whatever she wants irrespective of the husband’s protest. Sofia’s confrontation as to why Celie would advice Harpo to beat her up, the latter responds in teary confession saying, “I say it cause I’m jealous of you. I say it cause you do what I can’t…fi...
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