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English 1100 Paper II Fall 2017: Game Diaster

Essay Instructions:

Major Paper 2: Writing to AnalyzePurpose and DescriptionWe analyze texts for many reasons. For one, doing so helps us to think critically about theinformation we consume. (As you have hopefully discovered, not all information is reliable.)Secondly, it enables us to take part in conversations and help others think critically about theinformation they consume, including that which we communicate to them. Building on thesepremises, your aim for this assignment will be to develop and refine your inquiry by 1) analyzinghow authors make arguments, and 2) exploring how those arguments potentially shape audienceunderstanding of the public issue you have been researching. The stakes involved—and what wegain by taking part in this type of intellectual work—will vary according to your topic and withrespect to what you want to accomplish through your analysis. Please consider the following as youundertake and complete this assignment.Invention and Inquiry• Select five (5) reliable sources that connect to your major paper topic;• Analyze the texts according to criteria established in Writing Exercise 2;• Identify how each source informs you of your topic in credible ways;• Take notes as you conduct your analysis, and consider how these texts function as a type offilter or screen through which audiences understand the topic;• Draft a thesis statement that suggests how, and the ends to which, these authors userhetorical strategies to shape the conversation and what that means for the way readersunderstand the topic in question.The Composing Process• Pg. 1: Briefly introduce your topic and define the scope of your paper;• Present a thesis that you will develop based on your analysis;• Offer some background on your topic to set up your analysis.• Pgs. 2-6: Carry out your analysis according to the rhetorical framework discussed in class;• Lead readers to a conclusion about the ways in which these texts/authors make argumentsand shape understanding of your research topic. How do they use writing and rhetoric toachieve their objectives? What are the stakes involved? What do we stand to gain or lose bythinking critically (or not thinking critically) about these and other sources? Why should weor anyone else care?• Conclude your essay by pointing toward additional research and analysis that can be done tobetter understand the issue as part of an ongoing conversation.The audience for this assignment is your instructor, your classmates, and, in general, anyone whocan access and read information online. You should anticipate that readers have some education andknowledge of the subject but do not necessarily possess a clear or complete understanding of it—orthe ways in which authors rhetorically craft information to influence thought and action.[FALL 2017 COPY]Specific RequirementsYour essay should:• Analyze five (5) sources that represent differing and informative views on your topic;• Develop a clear and compelling thesis based on thorough analysis;• Draw a conclusion about the ways in which the authors use rhetorical techniques to shapeunderstanding of the topic (and why that should matter to your readers);• Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;• Cite sources correctly using appropriate citation style (MLA);• Include a title that reflects the spirit and scope of the essay;• Be 7 pages in length (double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman orGaramond typeface);• Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabusand schedule for details).You are now at a point where you have gathered information about a topic and have begun todefine the boundaries of a conversation. Analyzing different or competing voices in theconversation takes things a step further: i.e., it helps you evaluate the validity of what people aresaying and, from there, make a reasoned and well-informed argument—our main objective forProject 3.Please contact me if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Game Diaster
Simulation is a representation of one process or action of another action. Simulation Games take imitative representations of a process or a system through entertainment software. For example, Mario Bros is a simulation game that imitates a plumber who rescues a princess. Therefore, the participants become a part of the game to explore elements of the game. Game Diaster as a simulation game makes participants live the real world and engage in active learning and participation in conversations. To better understand simulation games as a source of active learning for children, the essay presents an analysis of five articles.
Auman, Corinne. "Using simulation games to increase student and instructor engagement." College Teaching 59.4 (2011): 154-161.
Diaster game increases engagement between instructor and students. According to Auman in his research on the use of simulation games to enhance engagement between teachers and students, the author notes that teachers are not ready to change the current pedagogies towards engagement learning. Auman elaborates on the development as well as the implementation of engagement tactics in learning. Therefore, simulation-based learning increases the engagement between instructors and learners. The author concludes that students in simulated learning situations report higher levels of engagement in their learning processes compared to those who engaged in non-simulated classes. Therefore, using diaster as a game enhances engagement among students and instructors (Auman 154).
Hertel, John P., and Barbara J. Millis. Using simulations to promote learning in higher education: An introduction. Stylus Publishing, LLC., 2002.
Hertel and Millis researched the use of simulations to promote learning in higher education. The authors note that simulation games such as Diaster offer learners an opportunity to live the world of a phenomenon hence enable the students to learn engagingly. Therefore, the students develop their models of the world and the way they engage with the world. Besides, the student who engages in simulation games conforms to rules that encapsulate the fundamentals of a situation. Such rules become the strategies for decision making and personal characteristics in the exploration of the negotiation aspects. Therefore, the players usually bring their personal views for negotiations. Thus, players directly gain experience about a scenario and its meaning (Hertel and Millis 5).
Separately, both Hertel and Barbara note that even though different rules exist for understanding games, the outcome is intrinsic and uncertain with non-linear due to the interaction of the players. Therefore, the students realize that the process and outcome vary in different iterations and uncertainty. Besides, the authors bring about the basic conceit of recreation in real-world environment, hence it can be a problem and inquiry-based learning. Thus, participants actively engage one another in the game, hence they build knowledge and skills in situations that they control. Also, students remain focused on student-led learning system as most students remember any activity they see and understand actions they do (Hertel and Millis 5).
Korteling, Hans JE, Anne S. Helsdingen, and Ralf R. Sluimer. "An empirical evaluation of transfer-of-training of two flight simulation games." Simulation & Gaming 48.1 (2017): 8-35
An article "An Empirical Evaluation of Transfer-of-Training of Two Flight Simulation Games" by Korteling, Helsdingen and Sluimer reveals that computer games give instruction and training environment for students to improve their performance in real life. The study was a quasi-experimental design that evaluated the impacts of standalone PC-based flight simulator games which were entertainment games (Korteling, Helsdingen and Sluimer 35). Thus, the results revealed both near and far-transfer of job skills. The study indicates that simulation games are usually designed to support and evaluate the development of participants in practical contexts. The learning process henceforth is usually interactive with a contribution to a large process of social, technical systems. Therefore, t...
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