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Discussion Questions Chapter 2: Art & Design In Colonial Era

Essay Instructions:

What I am looking for in the essays is a complete introduction with a clear thesis, at least 3 fully developed body paragraphs (5-8 sentences), and a conclusion which summarizes your main points and presents your final argument for the essay. Make sure that any sources you use in your essay must also be referenced in your works cited page.

The 1st essay topic comes from the discussion questions out of Chapter 2 of our' textbook. This essay topic focuses on the artistic privileges afforded to Wheatley and Moorhead (1), the symbolism and imagery Wheatley used in her poem dedicated to Moorhead (2) and lastly, how their art can be used as inspiration for Black artists today (3). In this essay, I am looking for each student to present their argument and then support it with textual evidence from our textbook as well as secondary sources. The discussion questions below provide students with a blueprint for how to construct their' essays. It is imperative that students address all of the discussion questions

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Art and Design in Colonial Era
Art and Design in Colonial Era
The prominent phrase during the American independence “every man is equal” was not that common to African-American slave. The black slaves in America suffered brutality and unfair treatment. However, this case did not hold for all the slaves. There were black slaves and the indentured servants who enjoyed some privileges. This essay discusses the artistic privileges some of the blacks such as Morehead and Wheatley afforded. It also discusses the symbolism and imagery that Whitney used in the poem she dedicated to Morehead. It also discusses how the art of the two served as an inspiration to the black artist community.
Wheatley under the tutelage of Mary Wheatley, learned how to read and write. The woman gave Wheatley extraordinary education that it is said that after sixteen months, she could speak English fluently (Carretta, 2001). It is also said that she could read even the most difficult phrases. Through the support of the family and friends she was enslaved to, her poems managed to appear on the newspaper. Morehead on the other hand, was an African sl...
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