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Discourse Analysis: The Advancements In Technology

Essay Instructions:

Please make sure that essay is double-spaced. When you figure out your claims i can send you a code to access students essay's so you will be able to quote them.
Your paper should be 6-8 full pages long. You must directly quote at least five of your classmates' revised pre-class writing assignments (or other class writing) to support your claims. You may organize your thoughts in any way that you choose, but the argument you present should address one or more of the following questions in a clear, coherent paper that begins with a introduction and clearly established main claims: 
-What general trends and patterns do you see in your classmates' views on digital citizenship? 
-Were there any especially important ideas that ended up being outliers, or that were ignored altogether, in your classmates' papers? 
-What were some of the strongest, most persuasive arguments that showed up repeatedly? What were some of the weakest, least persuasive arguments that showed up repeatedly? 
-What were some of the main points of disagreement and ideological difference amongst your classmates? 
-Were there any terms or ideas that were repeatedly used in vague, confusing, or inconsistent ways? 
-Did your classmates consistently use writing style in ways that reinforced their rhetoric? Did you notice any recurring patterns in this area? 
While you will need to focus on specific individuals' work at times, your goal should always be to reflect on the shared discourse of the class. Be careful of overfocusing on a few especially well-written (or poorly-written) or strongly worded papers, and instead try to capture more interesting, potentially meaningful features that show up in multiple responses. Your goal should be to make a focused argument (along with a "so what?": be sure to address the significance/meaning of what you observed in our class discourse) with multiple examples and evidences (and counterarguments), not just to list or catalogue a wide range of discursive features. 
To be successful in this assignment, you will need access to as many peers' papers as possible. I recommend that you get in the habit of asking your classmates to e-mail you different drafts of their papers (especially papers you peer edit), or that the entire class set up a Dropbox account (or something similar) for you all to share all of your work with one another for the purposes of this assignment. 
With access to your peers' full text papers, you will then also have the option of using Voyant or another text analysis program to perform a more quantitative analysis of patterns in your peers' papers. 
You will need to develop your own process of revision and editing for this paper. My hope is that you have experienced the value of multiple, focused, in-depth revisions through revising and expanding your pre-class assignment, and that you will voluntarily apply a similar process to this assignment. 
This assignment will be an assessment of the following standards (see the detailed rubric further down the page and note that an MLA category is included in addition to the Writing and Language standards listed here): 
Writing standard 1A: Introduce precise, knowledgeable claim(s), establish the significance of the claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that logically sequences claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. 
Writing standard 1B: Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audience's knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases. 
Writing standard 1C: Use words, phrases, and clauses as well as varied syntax to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. 
Writing standard 1D: Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. 
Language standard 1: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. 
Language standard 2: Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
The advancements in technology have made it easy to communicate with people living in any part of the world. Many individuals across the globe use the internet to communicate, learn and do business around the world. It has made the world to look like a global village where people can connect with others living in far geographical regions. However, the users of the internet must be responsible while using this communication tool. Therefore, a digital citizen refers to a person who uses the internet in the right manner without harming others and invading their privacy. A digital citizen is someone who avoids downloading any illegal content on the web. It is because on illicit/pirated content is likely to spread to the millions of the users of the internet. The users of the internet should conduct themselves with decorum while using the internet because their actions have an impact on other users of the internet.
Individuals have different perspectives regarding the issue of a digital citizen. Some are of the view that a digital citizen observes manners while using the internet. As a result, a digital citizen avoids engaging in actions that are likely to harm other users of the internet. For instance, a digital citizen will avoid hacking into other people or organization's systems because it will interfere with their right to privacy (Jan pg 111). It can also result in financial losses in case one hacks into an entity's financial systems. Therefore, a digital citizen will avoid these acts because it's against the laws to engage in such illegal acts. A digital citizen will always report individuals who breach the law while using the internet to the relevant authority before they are punished for their acts. The measure will prevent individuals from misusing the internet hence leading to harmony in the community.
Others are of the opinion that a digital citizen is always cautious while using the internet. He thinks about the consequences of writing any content on the web. The digital citizen will only expose material that is beneficial to the public and avoids presenting unwanted content to the public. For example, a digital citizen will refrain from spreading the fake news to innocent members of the public. The false report can result in different divergent opinions among the members of the public hence resulting in conflict (Marilyn pg 102). Fake news is dangerous to the members of the public because it can also lead to tension which is likely to cause anxiety among the members of the public. In some occasion, fake news has resulted in the war thus resulting in the destruction of property and the loss of lives in many jurisdictions across the globe. A digital citizen will also avoid exposing illegal content like pornographic films which are against the morals of the society. The dangerous material will hurt the children and other members of the community. It might influence them to adopt bad morals hence leading to moral decay in the society.
Also, other people view a digital citizen as a person who has responsibility for ensuring that the internet resources are used appropriately. One of the measures that a digital citizen can take to achieve this dream is by educating the public on how to use the internet. A digital citizen will lay more emphasis on teaching the children how to use the internet. It is because the kids are among the vulnerable population (Hubert pg 66). They are likely to be misled on how to use the internet because they are not mature enough to make sound judgments. As a result, they can be lured into dangerous sites like the pornographic sites. Additionally, the internet can risk their lives as they are likely to be attracted into meeting the kidnappers and other people with ill motives. The measure will ensure that all users of the internet are safe while using the internet resources. It will also sensitize people on the dangers of using the internet thus making wise decisions.
Some of the ideas that ended up being outliers include the photos of people that are readily available online. Some of these pictures are not accurate because some of the internet users were using Photoshop to create these images. Additionally, some individual profiles on the internet were fake. Individuals put good pictures and profiles (Jan pg 92).Contrary to the expectations of many, the photos and the profiles of these individuals are not accurate. Therefore, it can influence an individual to make wrong decisions regarding that individual. For example, a young girl who is looking for a partner online can end up engaging a married person. The individual can continue misusing the girl in such a relationship hence ruining her life and wasting her time. Therefore, interne...
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