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FYC Folding Electric Treadmill

Essay Instructions:

About the Assignment

Technical writing is a skill everyone needs at some point. In this course, you learned about the technical writing process, technical editing and the various types of technical correspondence. In 800-1200 words, compose an essay by answering one of the prompts below and including the technical document(s) specified. Use concepts you learned from the course as well as three credible sources to support your arguments. Also include three visuals from open-access sources.


1. Consider a product that you frequently use or know a lot about. Identify an audience who is unfamiliar with your product and then write both a product description and a user manual addressing the product features you want to highlight and how to use them. All ideas should be geared to the audience and its specific needs and backed by research. Select your product with careful consideration. Electronic or mechanical products work best. Things like potato chips and T-shirts are products, but they don't call for user manuals and wouldn't be ideal for this assignment.

2. Take a look at your phone and think about 2-3 features that you want to see improved. Imagine you are an employee for the company who makes your phone. Prepare an unsolicited proposal you'll be emailing to the company's CTO covering the new features, their key audience, and how they will improve the product and why. All ideas should be geared to the audience and its specific needs and backed by research.

Related Lessons

Analyzing Your Audience and Adapting Your Message: Purpose, Process & Strategy

Finding & Evaluating Sources for Research

User Manual Example for Advanced Technical Writing

Unsolicited Proposal Example for Advanced Technical Writing

Formatting & Sources

Please write your paper in the MLA format. As evidence for your analyses, you should provide quotations from the course and any outside research. Cite all quotations using MLA format. Please include any Study.com lessons you used as sources (including the lesson title and instructor's name).

If you're unsure about how to use MLA format to cite your sources, please see the following lesson:

What is MLA Format?

Grading Rubric

Your essay will be graded based on the following rubrics:

Category Unacceptable (0-1) Needs Improvement (2-3) Good (4) Excellent (5) Total Possible Points

Purpose Main points are nonexistent or irrelevant to overall purpose Main points are difficult to identify or under-developed Main points are clearly related to overall purpose Main points are developed and well-supported, connecting clearly to overall purpose 5

Structure and Organization Disorganized and illogical structure hinders understanding Somewhat disorganized, but structure does not detract from understanding of main points Structure is logical; main points are supported by organization Organization is logical; structure enhances clarity and delivery of main ideas 5

Clarity Vague or unclear writing and visual elements; reader is left with several unanswered questions Writing is ambiguous in a few areas; unclear or missing visual aids Phrasing and word choice are very clear; visuals support understanding Syntax is very clear and concise; visuals enhance understanding 5

Mechanics Incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and use of standard English grammar hinders understanding Several instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar Few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar No or very few instances of incorrect spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and usage of standard English grammar 5

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Technical Writing
FYC Folding Electric Treadmill
A treadmill is a must-have or at least an item of great admiration for any walkout enthusiast. They are suitable walkout equipment used to replicate running outdoors without having the limitations of burning sunlight and blowing winds that can be distractive sometimes. Cost can be a factor when seeking to acquire this workout equipment. FYC Folding Electric Treadmill is one of the low-cost treadmills that one can acquire for as low as $180 (Walmart). Weight gain among adults in their 20s and 30s has been soaring. This can be attributed to the shifts in focus from physical fitness to other responsibilities associated with adulthood, such as employment, career growth, and education (Tucker and Parker par.2). The major risk factor for obesity is certainly poor diets (CDC, Poor Nutrition). However, lack of physical exercise also contributes significantly to obesity among people of the specified age bracket (CDC, “Adolescents and Young Adults” par.1). Nonetheless, some arguments for lack of exercise can be invalided by having a low-cost folding electric treadmill. The low-cost, portable, and foldable FYC treadmill can help the youth fight obesity.
Product Description
FYC Folding Electric Treadmill is a motorized running machine that can be folded to fit into a small apartment and be used for home fitness walkouts for jogging, walking, or running. The device is manufactured by FYC. The treadmill comes in various weights, sizes, colors, and weight capacities. The key features of the treadmill are its ability to be folded to occupy less space while not in use and a pair of wheels to increase portability and movement around. It is electric with a horsepower of at least 1.5. The device is equipped with a running belt of 40 inches by 14 inches with non-slip and shock-absorbing features, minimizing the risk factors associated with the use of treadmills. The treadmill can withstand a maximum weight of 220 lb, and the assembled components weigh up to 60 lb, increasing portability. A fully assembled FYC Folding Electric Treadmill occupies a space of less than 1200 sq inches. The other useful component is the treadmill console alongside the LED display that helps the user choose the fitness program suitable for their fitness goal while allowing them to monitor the different elements of importance.
User Manual
* The different components of the FYC folding electric treadmill are put together using the rotary knobs attached to bolts.
* The device is then connected to a power source.
* To start and stop the running belt, press the start or stop button available on the multifunction display screen.
* When the device is connected to the body, the person can measure the speed, calories, time, and even heart rates.
* The equipment is then unfolded using the rotary knobs and then moved into the storage space with the help of the moving wheels.
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