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Traits and Motivations of the Suitors in the Great Hall in Ithaca's Place

Essay Instructions:

This project is divided into two parts.

Book Reading: The Odyssey, translated by Robert Fagles

First: Book Two (275 words)

Prompt: Analyze the traits and motivations of the suitors who occupy the great hall in Ithaca's palace. Who are these men, why are they here, and what do they want? Pay special attention to your analysis of Antinous and Eurymachus.

Second: Book Three (275 words)

Prompt: Examine the relationship between the subplot and the main plot. What parallels do you see between the story King Nestor tells about Agamemnon, Clytemnestra, and Orestes and the current dilemma faced by Odysseus, Penelope, and Telemachus? Why does Nestor tell the story? Of what use is this information to Telemachus? What, if anything, does it signal to the reader?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
First: Book Two (275 words)
Prompt: Analyze the traits and motivations of the suitors who occupy the great hall in Ithaca's palace. Who are these men, why are they here, and what do they want? Pay special attention to your analysis of Antinous and Eurymachus.
The Odyssey is a Greek poem that narrates the story of the return journey of Odysseus to Ithaca. The poem also tells the challenges he experienced during his return, including hostility, monsters, and enchanting women. The suitors in the poem, Antinous and Eurymachus, Are described as ungrateful, rude, and disrespectful. It is important to note that Antinous was the first suitor to die amidst the return of Odysseus. He was the most disrespectful among all the suitors, and he had planned to kill Telemachus after returning to Ithaca. Consequently, he behaved arrogantly at the home of Odysseus after he disguised himself as a beggar. He was not hospitable to him and also threw a stool at him. The main reason Antinous wanted to marry Penelope was for political reasons. For example, Antinous told Penelope that they wanted to take the wealth and riches of the kingdom Odysseus. Moreover, he found it more convenient than Penelope was older than him because he could later marry a young princess after she had died.
Eurymachus is the second suitor who appears in the poem. Unlike Antinous, he acted as a leader because of his charism. Notably, he outsmarted other suitors in gift-giving, which is why he won Penelope's hand in marriage. However, despite his charismatic image, Eurymachus was deceitful. For example, he discovers Penelope's plans to delay their wedding from a maidservant, Melantho, who he was sleeping with. After the revelation of Odysseus, Eurymachus blamed Antinous so that he could escape the wrath of Odysseus. However, Odysseus killed him by shoo...
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