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Networking While in College and in the Business World

Essay Instructions:

Write a response paper about the article “Learn to love networking Harvard review” provided in the attached file.

A response paper is designed to focus your work and to stimulate your thoughts for class. People learn much better and retain what they learn when they comment on it in writing. This is also to develop your critical thinking skills in preparation for the rest of your degree coursework. Each week you will be required to submit a paper. Each submission should be approximately 600 words. It should be 1-2 pages double spaced using 12-font. Note that the length is not a requirement but a rule of thumb. When grading, quality counts more than length. Grading criteria is as follows:

Evaluation areas:

Evidenced by:


Relevant and academically appropriate

Sophistication of writing

Style, prose, grammar, thought, critical analysis

Personal experience application

Appropriate application of personal experience to reading and/or exercise


Adheres strictly to format

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Networking While in College and In the Business World
What is important about the concept you are learning about? No summary, just why bother learning any give topic? How does it apply to your life? What is the point?
Networking is important because it helps individuals form and establish meaningful relationships, engage new ideas and concepts, and connect with other individuals who share similar goals and interests. I bother learning this concept, as it will help me connect with different individuals in both my personal and career aspect. The point of networking is personal growth and developmentHow it applies to your life and career: how does the above analysis apply directly to your life? What is a specific example of that?
Undoubtedly, I would connect the concept of networking to my own life and career. For example, in most seminars I attend, I engage with most of the speakers and other attendees. The more I engage with these individuals, the more knowledge I gain and increase my pool of opportunities. I also network with other school students, which helps m...
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