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Why Some Freshman Find It Difficult To Comply To Class Expectations

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double spaced on why some Freshman find it difficult to comply to class expectations.

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Why Some Freshman Find It Difficult To Comply With Class Expectations
Every freshman begins their school life with high expectations and some also begin bearing the expectations of their families and loved ones. While growing up, everyone dreams of becoming successful and having an impact in the world. The dreams often seem achievable and almost every thought and energy is directed towards them. Like any other aspect of life, people slowly start losing their momentum and find it hard to maintain the same energy they began with. Suddenly, everything seems hard and even the easiest of tasks seem to have develop certain complexities. As the reality of life kicks in, many falter and while some find the strength to always reenergize themselves, others simply fade away and their dreams as well. The above scenario is not new to freshmen who join campus with a lot of enthusiasm and the ‘nothing can stop me’ attitude. However, as the reality of campus life starts hitting them as well as the freedom that comes with, many forget their dreams and aspirations and adopt the ‘Yolo’ attitude which simply asks them to live like there is no tomorrow. Slowly, class expectations become mountainous tasks to even some of the most ambitious and brightest students. While elucidating on some of the reasons students lose track of their goals and aspirations, this article seeks to explain why freshmen find it difficult to comply with class expectations.
One of the reasons freshmen find it difficult to comply with class expectations is peer pressure. Peer pressure is an issue that is prevalent in all age groups including adult age groups even though the reasons could be different. New environments always come with their challenges and new social circles. For freshmen, this can be challenging and confusing at the same time because it is during this time that many of them are trying to find themselves and stick to particular habits. In college, social circles have a great bearing on where you can go and who you can talk to and for a freshman, having a group is at times as important as passing a test in class. However, some of the things people do in the name of fitting in seem to interfere with people’s lives and worse can permanently jeopardize one’s school life. Being in a group means you do the same things and this can also involve skipping classes in the name of looking ‘cool’. Slowly, the school’s and life’s values seem difficult to live with and class expectations gradually become a burden.
Aside from peer pressure and freshmen seeking acceptance in various social circles, poor time management is also a major reason why freshmen find it difficult to comply with class expectations. Time management is defined by oxforddictionaries.com as the ability to use one’s time effectively or productively, especially at work. The dictionary continues to state that time management is the key to efficient working. For any student, time is an important factor which if used wisely can help one in different fronts. However, for a majority of freshmen, time management seems foreign and therefore, many fail to schedule their days. The result is that a lot of time is wasted and just like spilled water, lost time cannot be recouped. Having different commitments other than one’s studies is not and has never been a bad thing. However, one needs to be aware of the time spent on every task they have on their schedule. Allocating time or having a daily or a weekly timetable can seem stupid to some people, but a small piece of paper can help you to discipline yourself. Time management can be taught in theory but no one can plan your day. As a freshman, one needs to spend their time well and use a time table or schedule all daily activities to avoid time wastage. Having activities and commitments clash with one’s studies will always make it difficult to comply with class expectations.
Thirdly, poor planning can also make it difficult for a freshman to comply or live up to class expectations. Often, time management and poor planning get misconstrued as synonyms, however, the two are different. While time management simply means using one’s time well, planning means outlining the activities you need to do to achieve a parti...
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