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Depression and Anxiety in Ethnic Communities Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

This essay should begin with an introduction to the social issue you are focusing on and then move into at least three perspectives on the issue. It would be advantageous if the perspectives differ in significant ways. Discuss some of the key aspects of the problem, while presenting and analyzing the points made by your sources. Make sure to emphasize why those two mental illnesses are so neglected in ethnic (Black,Hispanic,Asian) communities

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Depression and Anxiety in Ethnic Communities
Depression is a mental disorder that results in complete loss of interest in certain things and also causes mental impairment (Henn et al 23). People who suffer from depression are mostly pessimistic and quite irritable. In extreme instances, depressed people feel helpless, guilty of things they did not do and worthless. Anxiety is a state whereby someone feels worried and fearful about the outcome of different situations in life. It is characterized by intense feelings of fear and anticipation for the unknown. In the world today, many people are affected by anxiety and depression but they do not realize this until much later when the symptoms have gone beyond the manageable levels. Different people have varied opinions on the causes of the disorders and its worse when people have little or no information about the conditions, therefore the people with anxiety and depression are mostly isolated and unattended to (Henn et al 31). In the ethnic communities worldwide, people have different perspectives on the causes, treatment options and the management of anxiety and depression.
The two disorders have three main components; the cognitive, physiological and behavioral aspects. Cognitive implies that the thoughts the person is concerned with different things in life and their assumptions about the same. In most cases, anxiety and depression happens when someone begins imagining different things about the situations they encounter. Consequently, these thoughts do not have a solid background to support the fears and they may end up being the result of one’s personal fears and uncertainties. The physiological aspects of anxiety and depression happens when someone emotionally reacts to the fears and anticipations they have about things in life. This is mostly connected to the adrenaline reactions one may exhibit when dealing with the situations (Sowislo, Friederike & Ulrich 46). Increased heart rate and heavy breathing are the main symptoms of the manifestation of the physiological aspect of depression. Finally, the behavioral aspect of depression occurs when someone develops certain habits in an attempt to counter the effects of depression. This may result in negative habits such as drug abuse and positive ones for instance jogging or blowing the thumb to reduce the tension experienced.
Anxiety is caused by both biological and environmental factors. The biological factors that cause depression are mostly in the genetic framework of the individual (Walker, Paul & Anis 102). In this case, the disorder is inherited among the members of a family and may be experienced even up to the third and the fourth generations of the family. In most cases, especially among the black ethnic communities who come from native areas, such an occurrence is seen as a form of a curse and punishment to the family line with depression and anxiety issues for the sins committed by the forefathers. In most regions in Africa, for instance, people with mental disabilities are seen as an outcast in the society and may end up being stigmatized and isolated. Instead of seeking professional help, this people are left to survive on their own in streets hence the situation is worsened. If these disorders are not treated and managed early enough, the situations worsen therefore endangering the lives of the people with depression.
Most depression and anxiety symptoms exhibit...
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