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Can Social Media Replace Communication In The Real World?

Essay Instructions:

Purpose: This assignment will give you practice with using rhetorical techniques to support a persuasive argument. You will continue to synthesize sources—in this case, weaving them together and responding to them as you present your case.  You’ll perfect your skills with direct quotation, paraphrase, and appropriate citation.

What to do:

The work you have completed up to this point in the semester has prepared you to join a conversation as an informed, experienced, and engaging writer. Among other things, you have identified relevant topics, gathered various types of information, and analyzed a range of arguments. Your aim, now, will be to compose an argumentative essay in which you position yourself within an ongoing dialogue or debate related to the topic you have been pursuing all semester. Please consider the following as you undertake this assignment.

Focus: You will need a narrow, original focus that positions yourself within the ongoing dialogue. Simple pro/con statements should be avoided because they are too broad and lack insight.

Example: Because Nurses are the key to improving American health care, and research has proven repeatedly that nurse staffing is directly tied to patient outcomes, hospitals in America need to improve nurse-to-patient ratios.

Development:  You will need to introduce your topic and define the scope of your paper. As you develop the body, use source material to offer some background on your topic (appropriate for your audience) and why it should be of interest to readers. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Can Social Media Replace Communication In The Real World?
Social media can be described as the collective communication channels used for community-based input, content-sharing, interactions, and collaborations. The most prominent examples of social media include Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, Google+ and Wikipedia (Glaeser 50). The common elements of social media comprise user accounts, profile pages which contain information concerning a user, news feeds, personalization, notifications, and the ability to update post or save information, like buttons and comment sections as well as systems for reviewing, rating and voting. Like any other platform for interaction, social media provided a wide range of benefits for its users. However, even with all the pros of communication as made available by social media, the question still remains as to whether it can replace communication in the world. The understudy seeks to explain why communication in the real world cannot be replaced by first exploring the benefits of social media then determining how and why these cannot take the place of the face- to- face interactions.
The world is increasingly becoming a global village. This is a common phrase that expresses the increased worldwide connectivity which has been made easier and faster through social media platforms. Users can make new friends or build business connections via a simple search and click of a button. This has resulted in people seeking and finding jobs and romances in addition to asking for help or giving and receiving referrals on products and services.
Users of social media have the option of choosing individuals whose interests are similar to their own. For instance, Facebook has different pages created by users that comprise a variety of topics ranging from politics to tips on parenting where individuals who share in such interests can join and interact with people with the same likes or dislikes. It can also provide a basis for sharing ideas with the best example being Pinterest which makes available information about a lot of do- it –yourself (DIY) activities such as crafting, gardening or cooking (Issa et al. 76).
There is also increased speed in the circulation of news. Most news companies depends on social media to gather as well as share information, particularly Twitter. News stations have accounts on social media where news can be updated in real time. These accounts have a comment section where fans and followers can give their views on the news posted or being aired live.
Social media can also be used to promote noble causes such as the work of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in marginalized communities across the world or to ask for donations for needy people. Sites such as the Go Fund Me page have been used to raise funds to cater for treatments for patients suffering from illnesses such as cancer and to help people who have lost their homes due to natural disasters such as fires, floods, and earthquakes. Social media can also be used to create and promote awareness on certain issues such as health, nutrition and rights and freedoms of people.
The growth in continuous interactions on social media has been made possible due to the use of smartphones and other mobile devices such as IPads and tablets. A 2014 study by the Pew Centre states that forty percent of smartphone users access social media from their smartphones and 28% do a day-to-day basis (Issa et al. 76). This means that social media is increasingly becoming the most common means of communication in the world.
However, even with all these benefits and the massive growth, it is enjoying with every passing day; social media still cannot replace communication in the real world. According to Forbes magazine, around 7% of communication is based on the verbal world (Issa et al. 78). This leaves over 90% communications which is based on non-verbal cues that include tone of voice, body language and eye contact which can only be accessed via face-to-face interactions.
The process of interacting with people has been made easier through social media which has decreased the amount of face-to-face interactions that people have. This has made people to be more antisocial than before. More people are spending more time sitting behind computer screens than they are interacting with their peers or families. Even when presented with the opportunity to interact face-to-face, people are no longer having intimate conversations with each other anymore, thus, also decreasing the quality of the face-to-face interactions between individuals (Leonardi et al. 16).
There has also been a tremendous decrease in language skills among social media users. The use of shorthand and shortened versions of words in order to quickly relay messages online has negatively affected the written language. It is also believed that people are beginning to mix business and personal relationship language guidelines which can result in a lack of professionalism.
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