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Government: How Twitter Killed the First Amendment Article

Essay Instructions:

There are three points. You need to write three essay. So one point for one essay. That means you have to write three essay in three different pages.

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Question 1
According to Wu Tim, in his article “How Twitter Killed the First Amendment”, The Trump administration has played a great role in the suppression of the freedom of the media. In what the author sees as an organized battle in the various platforms, such as the online social media, the Trump administration has continually threatened the journalists and silenced all those who speak their mind. The author opines that the First Amendment had a great role to play in society during its early years of invention. Although it was passed during a different era, it played a great role in the streamlining of the way journalism and government related. However, in the current world the First Amendment has lost its meaning as the government and the White House have employed means like those employed in China and Russia to silence the critics of the government. The government has failed to differentiate facts and propaganda and instead of acting on the facts brought about by the critics of the government, they are silenced. The author calls upon the public to protect the constitution and in particular the freedom of speech as provided in the First Amendment. Secondly, The Congress should act to protect the American politics from foreign intrusion such as the use of Facebook by Russia to intrude the American politics. Lastly, White house should be held accountable for their efforts to silence the citizens of the freedom of expression as indicated in the First Amendment.
The author has highlighted very critical issues that have been affecting the media without the knowledge of the public. Slowly the freedom of expression as provided for in the First Amendment is getting intruded and with time it may lose sense to the media practitioners and the general public. I appreciate the manner in which the author has made connections to the different foreign factors that are slowly encouraging the suppression of the freedom of expression by the citizens. As a media practitioner this article is an eye opener to the public and in particular the congress to act in protecting the freedom of speech and expression. Without taking attention and acre the Trump administration will not lead to the extinction of the freedom of expression.
Question 2
Britain has a parliamentary majority rule system with a constitution Monarch as the Head of State. The parliament in England speaks to the general population. It is the home to the delegate voter based system where the elected officials are sent to serve the interests of the general population. In England, the parliament is the legitimate house where Members of parliament choose laws and settle on choices for the nation. Four of the 10 most trusted wellsprings of news among US readers are situated in Britain. The Economist was the most confided in the source, with Reuter's third, the BBC fourth and the Guardian seventh, as p...
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