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Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay

Essay Instructions:
Writing Assignment: Frankenstein Critical Analysis Evaluation Essay Now that you have completed Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, locate at least one critical analysis essay written about the 1818 version of Mary Shelley's novel. Your source should be reliable and located in a university publication (written by a professor,) a literary journal, or an online literary website. The questions in the study guides should have helped you evaluate this criticism in your head. Now it's time to write it down! Your evaluation may go more smoothly if you approach the guiding questions in this order: Evaluate the critic/author: Who wrote the criticism you read? What credentials does the author have? (If you are using a valid source, you should be able to find these easily; these details are usually just before or at the end of the essay.) Find the thesis of the article: What is the thesis of the critical article you've chosen? What point does the author want to make about Frankenstein? Evaluate the thesis: Do you agree with this thesis? Why or why not? We've covered many ideas in the study guides. Can you find points within the guides that support your agreement or disagreement with the critical writer(s)? Look for new supporting information rather than revisiting the same ones the critics have chosen. Evaluate the support: Whether you agree or disagree with the thesis, does the critic provide sufficient research from the text and outside references to make a strong case? What does the article have for support from the text or outside sources? In your opinion, what makes these references valid? Do you feel the author uses this support properly? Students need at least two critiques in addition to the novel in Works Cited in order to receive the highest score. Students need three sources in Works Cited to get Exceeds Requirement. Hint: For a thesis statement, try answering a question like: How and how well does this piece of criticism state and support its argument regarding Frankenstein? In addition to addressing each of the evaluative components above, develop your essay so it has a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. You must include an evaluative thesis statement both the introduction and the conclusion. Ensure that each of your claims are supported with valid evidence from the literary criticism you have chosen, the novel, Frankenstein, and/or the study guides. Using proper MLA style, insert parenthetical citations for all borrowed information in addition to a Works Cited page for Frankenstein and your chosen literary critique; you are not required to cite the study guides. The literary criticism you utilize for this assignment can be from any reputable source, below are a few examples of the type of reviews and articles that might be used to meet the requirements for outside sources: - ipl2 Literary Criticism collection: http://www(dot)ipl(dot)org/div/litcrit/bin/litcrit.out.pl?ti=fra-63 - Sherry Ginn's (Florida State University) critique: http://www(dot)clas(dot)ufl(dot)edu/ipsa/2003/ginn.html - Mary Shelley and Frankenstein site: http://www(dot)marywshelley(dot)com/essays/ The guidelines for this assignment are: Length: This assignment should be a minimum of 3 typed pages or at least 750 words. Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with the following information: - ○ Your first and last name ○ Course Title (Composition II) - ○ Assignment name (Evaluation Essay, Writing Assignment 4) - ○ Current Date Format: - Standard 12 point font (Arial, Times, Verdana) - 1” margins on all sides - Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txt
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Course Title: Composition II Assignment Name: Evaluation Essay, Writing Assignment 4 Current Date: Frankenstein: A Critical Analysis In her novel, Frankenstein, Mary Shelley covers an array of themes which have been subjects of heated debates and controversy. The provocative nature of these themes has also arrested the interest of numerous literary critics, resulting in a huge assortment of critiques that detail their understanding and interpretation of the content and sentiments expressed in the novel. Topics of interest among the reviewers have ranged from the materialist inclinations and utopian ideals expressed in the novel, to the creativity of the author and relevancy of the content, to her own upbringing. This paper seeks to critically analyze the article, "‘Frankenstein`- a cautionary tale of bad parenting" by Susan Coulter, which reviews Shelley`s novel in relation to parenting and child development issues. The article identifies that while Frankenstein was showered with parental love during childhood, he hardly received guidance and discipline he needed to achieve balance and harmony in life. In supporting these assertions, numerous quotes from the novel are used and psychological concepts such as the Maslow`s order of needs borrowed, to explain Frankenstein`s behavior CITATION Sus13 \l 1033 (Coulter). The author of the article, Susan Coulter, possesses a diploma in cultural studies from Solihull College of Technology in the United Kingdom. Currently, she holds an office job at Solihull and she has expressed interest in pursuing a bachelor`s degree in the same field CITATION Rey05 \l 1033 (Reynolds). In spite of her proficiency in literary criticism as portrayed in the article, the author holds no academic credentials in literature or literary studies. Although this may diminish her authority in the area, her criticism is well articulated and supported. In her essay, Coulter seeks to examine both the creature and Frankenstein to determine the significance of their experiences to the education, development and parenting of a child. In doing so, the author intends to point out that Frankenstein`s upbringing had a negative influence on his adulthood and the goals he sought to achieve later in life, particularly the desire to create a creature CITATION Sus13 \l 1033 (Coulter). This thesis is agreeable given the fact that Frankenstein was spoilt and indulged by his parents, friend and the adopted sister to an extent that, he grew to be a misguided and self-centered individual CITATION Sus13 \l 1033 (Coulter). The author`s observation that Frankenstein was bestowed with love and unlimited friendliness by his parents when he was growing up, is reflected in Frankenstein`s assertions that...
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