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Frankenstein and Education Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

The concept of tutelage and education are explored at various points in the novel Frankenstein. For example, Victor Frankenstein’s story begins with his own education. The concept of education is followed by the education of Henry Clerval, Sofie (the Turk’s daughter), and the monster. The model of tutelage is always the model of progress. As well, the model of progress is always the model of tutelage. Explore the ways in which the concept of tutelage and education work with the notion of western progress and the separation of the savage and civilized in Frankenstein (perhaps in tandem with concepts such as race).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Frankenstein and Education
There have been activists who dedicates their free time, careers, and resources and sometimes ready to die for what they believe in, in the recent decades' issues such as political injustices and inequality have led to major disruptions of daily lives in some of the regions in the world. This has been brought about by the increased methods of gaining knowledge where people have become aware of what they are entitled to and what they should not be subjected to. While there so many ways to share opinions some of the common methods always result in violence and dangerous street match by the activists. However, there are those who do not end up in the streets and if they do, they have shared their opinions through power writings and art. Such include Mary Shelley who through her masterpiece Frankenstein she manages to control several themes and concept and made an ever-relevant novel. Although there many themes in the novel there is an important notion of relation, protection or authority over people and nature based on knowledge and education. The following text is going to analyze Mary Shelly's popular work of Frankenstein based on the concepts of tutelage, knowledge and the relationship of the knowledge source; it ought to give the idea of the construction of knowledge fitting the same with the theory of constructivism and tandem with the concept of female education.
A number of education systems in the world are as a result of the industrial revolution. In Frankenstein, the education system plays an import role and has created major content in the book. Based on education and knowledge there is the concept of pupil and tutor relationship, construction of knowledge that is achieved through taking after the evocative learning experience. The above ideas fit into the modern education/ civilization and most importantly the theory of constructivism. There is an inhibition of a progressive environment that Mary Shelley is deeply buried into in the novel. Various modern education theories are related to the economic and social-cultural environment, which are immersed in the industrial revolution.
The constructivist notion of education in modern society can be traced back to the 19 century when educational psychologist Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky. According to Woolfolk (359) learners are active in constructing their own knowledge and social interactions are important in these knowledge construction process. Further breaks down this statement by quoting that individual use resources, help from others and information to improve their problem-solving strategies and their mental health (359). Hence according to the constructionist theory, there are external and internal factors that are put together to develop the human. For example, during puberty, the hormone levels do affect the brain development both on the cognitive level and on the individual idea of self-concept (341). This concept of nature and nurture inhibited in development of human is shown in the Frankenstein version of 1818. They analyze the experience of the creature by presenting both environmental and biological implications. The novel presents the idea of the creature nerves and senses and their appropriate development and this leads to the environment in the creature perception.
Shelley Education
In relation to constructivist Mary Shelley, education history is important. Shelley was born of two intellectuals parents. The father William Godwin and mother Mary Wollstonecraft gave her, her primary education in the late eighteen century. Godwin was observed as a writer with a psychological insight especially after he wrote the political justice that was arguing against the institution of marriage. Godwin educate Mary from home by allowing her to read his many texts, he directed her reading and with time took her to public lectures. This shows how her father positively encourages her daughter's literal abilities. As shown in Franke...
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