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Contrasting Views about Death as Described by Dickenson and Donne

Essay Instructions:

this poetry analysis should write about two death poetry:" Because I could not stop for Death ( Emily Dickinson)" and “Death Be Not Proud(John Donne) "
1. follow the sample introduction
2. add a new source ( can be another poetry related to this death topic)
3. can add the background of the poetry and the author and why the author wrote the poetry
( the main purpose of the author .... )

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Analysis of Contrasting views about Death as described by Dickenson and Donne
What would a dying person do if death is close to knocking at their door? Would they feel gratitude for the beauty of life and embrace life's final moment, or would they rather, curse the insufferable pain life had caused them and embrace death as an escape route? Is death a person? Should Death be feared? Is death the symbol of life's ending, or maybe the start of a new beginning? Whatever it may be, Philosophers are firm as to respect death as something that our lives move towards to (“Death and Its Concept” 3). It's like the end of a beings book of life. Philosophers are aware that there are no experts when it comes to dying; therefore is up to the minds of the people to come up with an argument that can make a person easily visualize and accept death (“Death and Its Concept” 1). According to Emily Dickenson’s poem, "[Death] kindly stopped for me," (“Because I could not stop for Death” 2) Dickenson shows that death is a gentle kind hearted fellow, which is nice enough to guide you towards the afterlife; however, John Donne described death as, "Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so," (“Death be not Proud” 2) Donne views death as a weak being that a person should not be afraid of. Although both authors focused on the theme of personifying Death, the difference about their description of Death as a superior or an inferior being should be further studied since the contrasting depiction of death reflects the authors acceptance of death when they were about to die.
The poem "Because I could not stop for Death," by Emily Dickenson was one of the poems of Dickenson that was published after she died (Sullivan 104). Sadly, was not clear on whether the poem was completed or abandoned her written works (104) but the recurring theme of death was prevalent in her manuscripts that immortalized her affection towards death in her poems. Dickenson's view of death came from her religious affiliation of the Christian Doctrine where her notions about death and her notion about the immortality of the soul came from (Hoepfner 96). Dickenson even managed to place a rhyming pattern in second and fourth lines of the stanza's 1,2,4,5 and 6, and close rhymes to other stanzas that signifies the calm writing of her poem about Death (Cummings). In her poem she pointed out that, Death is needed to journey to eternal life and our soul is the eternal part of the human being. Dickenson described the experience of Death as if a gentleman is directing her towards her grave. On the first stanza of the poem, she wrote that "The Carriage held but just ourselves and Immortality," (“Because I could not stop for Death” 3) she explained that a grandiose treatment of death towards a person. Death is complete with a carriage for the soul to be delivered towards immortality. She then continues to compare life as a fast paced glimpse in the eyes of death. I...
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