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Speech Meeting Plan Leadership Styles

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To cover the book chapter7,8,9,10,Appendix B Knowledge point

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1 Meeting Plan Leadership Styles
Planning a meeting that is going to be productive is not going to be easy. It will take a lot of effort to pull it off. First off, you’ll need to identify the meeting’s purpose. What is it for? What do I want the meeting to accomplish? What are its objectives? The agenda of the meeting should be prepared beforehand. This will definitely be essential. This is essentially the plan of the meeting. This dictates what topics will or will not be discussed. This is also helpful to regulate the crosstalk between the attendees. Determining the time and place for the meeting should also be prepared beforehand.
One of the most prevalent problems with the previous meetings held is that people often talk over each other. This can be avoided by having total control over the conversation. Giving each person an allotted time for them to talk is going to help a lot.
Speaking of attendees, choosing the right people who have to attend the meeting is also important. Only the people who need to be there must attend. No one else. Another good way to keep the peace is to assign a task or a role for each person. This not only avoid crosstalk but it also helps to keep the meeting on topic.
2 Leadership Styles
Leadership is a skill that is hard to master. Each person has a different style of leading others. But there are certain traits for each leader that can be grouped into a few categories. We’ll be looking at some of them now.
* Autocratic
An autocratic, or authoritarian, leader is more often focused on the results. The decisions that they make are theirs alone. They do not consult with their subordinates about their plans or, if they do, they only listen to a small group of trusted people. They expect those under them to follow and adhere to those decisions, often without question. This leader is similar to military officers and commanders.
This style of leadership is great for those who have inexperienced employees or industries that require a lot of compliance. Though it does make employees feel stifled or confined.
* Visionary
Visionary leaders often strive to induce the flow of ideas from their subordinates. They inspire their employees to come up with creative ideas and boost their confidence. This style is great for those in the creative fields or for up-and-coming companies.
* Hands-off
Hands-off, or laissez-faire, leadership style is the direct opposite of the Autocratic leadership. They mostly delegate tasks to employees and give them the freedom on how they achieve the desired goal. This is effective for leaders who already have experienced members that they can trust. Although, this style can cause a drop in productivity or the employees may have unclear goals.
* Democratic
A combination of Hands-off and Autocratic leadership, the Democratic leadership style takes into consideration inputs from employees before making a decision. This often makes the employees feel as part of the process and can help inspire them. This is great for companies that require innovation and creativity.
What the company needs, in my opinion, is a Democratic leadership style. Not only does this take into account input from the employees, it will also make them feel that they are needed by the company. There is even a chance that one person may have the exact idea on how to make the company successful again.
3 Presentation Tips
Creating a persuasive presentation can be a daunting task. But you don’t have to worry. There are ways that can make your proce...
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