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Shenzhen City Archiving Environmental Sustainability

Essay Instructions:

Length: At least three double-spaced typed pages. 1 inch margins. 12 point font. Watch these two videos about the development in China within the past several decades:



Please choose one of the following situations, and write a paper about your plans.

1. Imagine you were a leader of a small town near Shanghai. What kind of social problems might be existing in this town? What would you do to solve these problems?

2. If you were a leader in a big city in South China what would you do to protect the environment?

3. If you were a leader in a province in Southwest China, what kind of policy would you make to increase the economic growth?

In your paper, please explain what you will do, step by step, in details. Provide specific examples. You also need to discuss what are the possible results of your plan, and analyze what are the potential reasons that might influence the way you implement your plans. As you work on this project, think about integrated what you have learned from the readings in this class, for example, the information about languages, geography, life style, social cultural values, issues in the society, or any other things we have discussed. Also, please analyze what you found about social cultural facts/information critically to answer the above questions. You are highly recommended to make connections to your own life, majors, and other classes.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Shenzhen City Archiving Environmental Sustainability.
China has proved itself for the last couple of decades with an astonishing economic growth of 10% every year. Becoming the fastest growing economy in the world, China has established it is self among the world superpowers in a short period. The world Largest population China seems not to stop with the president policy being build and build and build the infrastructure some more and maintains education is important especially science. These and other policies seem to be working for the nation as there has been a tremendous improvement over the years with many people jumping from the poor class to the middle economic class. However, despite the blissful journey and the praises made on news outlet Medias China does not lack its flaws. The nation still has almost half of its population living in poverty with many Chinese residents estimated to live under $2 a day (Chan, Chak and Yao 36). With all the distance the nation has traveled, there are still enormous problems in the nation. Massive renovations come with massive problems. As a nation, it is rated as one of the biggest polluters in the world. Being one of the fastest growing economies in the world, this growth has come with a cost of pollution and other nations are blaming the Chinese government or the massive air pollution coming from the country (Shao, Min, et al. 363). The major contributors to pollution cities in the world China have 16 of them and this includes Beijing. Environmental sustainability index of the country is at the bottom for this and other reasons. As a nation, this problem needs attention for the sake of China and the rest of the world too. It needs to start with individuals as solution climbs to social institutions, industrial sectors, to government organizations, and the whole nation. The following text is an example of how to curb pollution and actual protection of the environment based on Shenzhen city.
Shenzhen is among the cities said to be making an effort in cleaning after the environment, but this journey has only begun. The policies and people around need to act quickly and follow the dream of becoming a sustainable city. This region is known for its flat terrain and observed to be not friendly for the disabled individuals; with a river, cutting beside it the region could become far much better and attractive if only environmental sustainability is achieved. Pollution in this part of China comes from the factories and the general reason being the...
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