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Final Paper Proposal - ‘Space’

Essay Instructions:

Read the articles/science fiction. Come up with a final paper proposal/topic connecting two readings. Let me know if you have any questions.

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Name Professor Course Due Date Final Paper Proposal ‘Space’ The two articles namely “The production of Space by Henry Lefebvre and “The Village Schoolteacher” Liu Cixin are connected by a common topic “Space.” In these two articles, the Authors are trying to define space using different illustrations and examples. The production of Space is an article by Henry Lefebvre and it forms the keystone of the all critical second phase of Lefebvre analysis of urban that started in 1972. The later phase that dealt with the social space itself as a planetary expression of modes of production. As stated in the article, De l'Etat, Lefebvre moved his analysis of 'space' from the old synchronic order of discourse 'on' space where the understanding of geographical space property and landscape are cultural and they have a history of change. In the article “The Production of Space,” the author tries to establish the significance of lived grassroots understanding and experiences of geographical space as fundamentally social. The article “The Village Schoolteacher” has combined stories that are occurring in two places across space. That is one is about a school teacher who is going about his daily activities. The story of the teacher is about his life how life has led him to the things he is doing now. At the same time, there is another story that is narrated concurrently about a war that is happening about fifty-thousand ...
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