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Elements of Writing and the Relationship between Facts and Opinions

Essay Instructions:

In order to complete this exercise, please read "Helping Students Use Textual Sources Persuasively"Preview the document on Canvas. After, please write a 250+ word response responding to the questions below. Support each answer and example with a page number from the text in order to receive credit for your answers.
What is Kantz' main argument?
In what ways are Shirley and Alice's papers different? Be specific and use page numbers to link to the examples you provide.
What does Kantz conclude about the relationship between facts and opinions? How does she define each? Make sure to reference the page number(s) where she addresses this issue.
According to Kantz, what elements of writing do students frequently misunderstand or misinterpret? List at least 3 elements and include page numbers to support your answer.
How does this reading help you (or not) look differently at your approach to research writing?
*Note: Your response needs to be a total of 250+ words, not 250+ words per question.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Reading Response
What is Kantz's main argument?
Kantz says a lot of things in Helping Students Use Textual Sources Persuasively, but the main argument is that students do not understand and know most of the things they are taught in a class. Some of them are not even able to comprehend their coursework or textbooks, and the most surprising fact is that they do not accept their weaknesses and keep arguing on unnecessary things all the time.
In what ways are Shirley and Alice's papers different? Be specific and use page numbers to link to the examples you provide.
According to Kantz, Shirley finds it difficult to write assignments and papers that require her to write everything from scratch and are based on textual sources (p. 75). She likes English history, and her papers are different from Alice’s paper in a way that Alice’s representation of a particular problem is based on original arguments (...
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