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Social Justice in Education. Unfounded labels. Unfair treatment

Essay Instructions:

According to two sources (pls do not use outside sources) to discuss how Education related to Social Justice. “Race, Disability, and the School to Prison Pipeline” and “The Mexican American Struggle for equal Education Opportunity in Mendez v. Westminster”

This is a thesis-based essay, Please built a great thesis statement, and please built two or three arguments, each of them related back to thesis statement. In each paragraph, pls only include one citation from sources, and pls explain what this citation talks about, why you think it support your argument, why you choose it, and the MOST IMPORTANT is pls explain what TWO strategies are used in this example, you could chose two ways to analyze: 1. one kind of strategies to one example; 2. Two kind zof strategies which are applied to both examples.

Key words and Tips: segregation or desegregation; special education programs; African American student and Mexican American student; Juilanne Hing mentioned that special education programs lead people think that Mexican American are disability (racial stereotypes); What is social justice for these Minority student?

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Social Justice in Education
Education has been one of the most affected areas by social injustice even in the 21st century. Several scholars have documented how the issue has left many minority groups relatively at a disadvantage and how the issues have cumulatively become catastrophic to the social, economic, cultural and political development in those communities. Within the cycle of the discrimination of the students of color, imposing unfounded labels on the students of color is the way that used to justify their unfair treatment, which is establishing separate schools and hidden inequalities of school administration for the minority, the student of color, is confirmed as a disability. According to the thesis statement above, this essay will address two ways in which minority students have historically been racially segregated and put at a disadvantage in their quest to get an education.
Unfounded labels
Imposing unfounded labels on the students of color has been the normalized way to justify unfair treatment. Contrary to the established norms that ‘special needs’ need higher facilitation and support to scale the academic ladder, in the case of students of color, are labeled to ‘have special learning disabilities,’ and still they are discriminated, and their education stifled. Lack of the right model and framework designed to alleviate them from their situation and climb the ladder of education in its entirety. Racial stereotypes have crippled education of African American students, and they are labeled as disabled to justify the unfair treatment they are accorded. The system rather than using the ‘disability’ to create opportunities for these students, they are dehumanized and set on course for failure by serving them with suspensions, expulsions and failing to curb their high drop out rates. If these students are humanized and accorded the necessary help throughout their learning course, they can graduate. A case in point is described by (Hing) who describes how a student who had been labeled as having ‘learning disabilities’ in Cox academy was helped to graduate. Hing mentions that the student would have been expelled and or suspended had he been enrolled in another school (Hing 199). Hing demonstrates that all students are teachable if accorded the right help and facilitation. For the case of a student in Cox Academy may never have graduated from high school but timely and unwavering support eventually helped the student graduate. Hing humanizes the audience and shows that the African American students do not have ‘learning disabilities,’ but they are failed by the education system. These students do not suffer from disabilities but the right model of education that accounts for their unique educational needs. Hing urges the audience to ‘humanize’ all races and consider their unique needs and institute measure pertinent to these needs to help their students to overcome their odds and successfully get through the education system.
Secondly, educators have to contextualize the unique needs of students of color in the wider societal framework. These students come from troubled households and neighborhoods, and they have to overcome many challenges each day to go to school. as (Hing 122) notes, ‘If you’re worried about your mom and whether she’s safe at home while you're in math class and you’re fidgety and not getting your math done, that makes sense.’ The environment where these children are raised is not conducive for learning. There are gang fights, drug cartels, rampant police brutality, domestic abuse, and their households are in the lower quartile of income standards. Their parents struggle to make a living which is hard because they are poorly educated and, in some cases, they have been incarcerated, arrested and or doing an economic activity which makes the children constantly worried of their parents’ safety or well-being. The backdrop of the issues that have plagued the learning environment of students of color are so...
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