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Story Analysis: Fifty Nine Story

Essay Instructions:

read the story which named the fifty-nine story, then write the eassy on the basis of the required.


Print the 59 Story Crisis emailed to the class. This article, from the New Yorker magazine 5/29/95, is an interesting situation that could be faced by any engineer (possibly not to this magnitude). It provides insight into the design and construction process and addresses communication and professionalism among other things faced by the practicing engineer or construction manager. First, be sure to follow applicable Homework Guidelines from the syllabus. The assignment is for the student to prepare a 2 page paper, (typed in a word processing program -- single spaced, 12-pt Calibri font) noting the major issues (design/construction) and commenting on the methods used to resolve these issues. Why was the solution successful? Does the solution seem realistic? Explain/Elaborate.








All students are required to follow the homework guidelines. All assignments are due at

the time and date specified on the Homework Assignment. All submitted homework

assignment problems are to be structured as prescribed in the outline given below:

Problem Outline:

I. Problem Statement:

Students are to rewrite the problem statement before answering the problem.

II. Given:

All given variables in the project statement or assumptions made are to be identified and

listed. All assumptions should be stated in this section.

III. Solution:

The solution shall be in a sequential and logical format. All work must be shown and is

required to receive full credit for the problem.

IV. Answer:

The answer shall be "boxed-in" so that it is obvious and easy to identify. If the answer is

not "boxed-in" or identified at the conclusion, full credit will not be given for the problem.

Example: ANSWER = 100 (include units if applicable)

Additional Guidelines:

1. All homeworks are to be STAPLED. I will disregard any homeworks that are not stapled.


2. The HW handout sheet SHALL be everybody’s cover page

3. NAMES shall be placed in the upper right hand corner of the cover page.

4. All HW is to be done on engineering paper or standard computer printer paper and

students shall only work on ONE-SIDE of the paper.

5. Problems shall be in the order prescribed on the HW Assignment Handout.

6. For HW in an electronic format: Students shall use Microsoft Word, or an equivalent

word processing program for typed answers, and Excel or preferred program when

tables and graphs are required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s Name:
Fifty-Nine Story
Prepare a paper noting the major issues and commenting on the methods used to resolve these issues. Why was the solution successful? Does the solution seem realistic? Explain/Elaborate.
What would you do if you find yourself in a position that threatens your career, life, and business? Well, this is a question that LeMessurier had to grapple with after the Citicorp Center’s construction. LeMessurier found himself in the middle of a crisis that not only threatened him but also put the lives of hundreds or thousands of people in danger. As per the article, LeMessurier had to “blow the whistle quickly on himself.” It continues to say that this meant “facing the pain of possible protracted litigation, probable bankruptcy, and professional disgrace.” His world was in a way coming to an end after enjoying a period of fame where his ideas were thought to be supreme. However, instead of choosing silence or suicide which he admits were some of his options at the time, he decided to speak out and seek help in finding a solution to the problem he had (his team) had created. In the end, the danger was averted, and the building was reinforced which meant that his bold move not only helped save lives but also led to him being applauded for acting morally straight.
Major Issues Identified
One of the major issues was the design flaw that LeMessurier discovered in the building. Having already considered the quartering winds, LeMessurier had designed a building that he believed would be strong enough to withstand them. He had offered the option of using welded joints instead of bolted ones which he believed would be strong enough for the perpendicular and quartering winds. However, this was changed without his knowledge, and he did believe the change was justified. He acknowledges it and, in the article, it is stated that “even the failure of his associates to flag him on the design change was justifiable.” Before this, the article indicates that he thought the change to bolted joints was “technically sound and professionally correct.” However, as it turns out, he had been right, and his fears were confirmed when he found out that the building could not withstand certain winds.
Another issue within the article is LeMessurier’s dilemma. LeMessurier found himself with a crucial piece of information regarding the Citicorp Center building. This is a major issue because it had the power to jeopardize the lives of many people. First of all, there was LeMessurier’s career which would be dead if the news had gotten out that his design was flawed. Secondly, people could lose their lives in the event that the building collapsed. Thirdly, there was the reputation of the company itself which would have lost a lot of money in the event that either the building collapsed or the mainstream media got wind of the whole situation. These outcomes made LeMessurier consider s...
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