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Science Fiction: Fiction Of Ideas And Information

Essay Instructions:

You are to write a literary analysis of 1250-1350 words on the topic below. Remember: the assignment isn’t about how you felt when you read the story nor whether the events could happen in the real world; rather, it is an essay that presents an argument about the fiction and then provides literary analysis to prove your argument.

Essay Topic:

1) Even though science fiction is not about predicting the future, it often dreams about it; however, dreams can quickly turn into nightmares. As a result, science fiction may, according to Ray Bradbury, be about preventing the future. Does science fiction offer dreams or nightmares in its imaginative visions? Do the dreams become nightmares? Can dreams be found amidst nightmares? Can any conclusions be made regarding these dreams/nightmares? (you need not address all these questions in formulating your thesis/argument)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Science Fiction
Science fiction is the fiction of ideas and information. Ideas intrigue and excite people and when people get excited, their adrenaline rise drastically and the next thing they know is that they are borrowing from the ideas themselves, however visionary or catastrophic they may be. Science fiction is generally any idea that has no particular proven source, the event does not occur in the head and the idea does not exist yet, but it will soon come to pass. Therefore, since the genre is about the future, as much as it predicts more about it, it may as well be a form of preventing what is ought to occur, from ever happening at all. This means that science fiction serves two purposes in its meaning, either to explain the dreams of the people meaning that they are positive and they would definitely happen, or describe certain nightmares prior to their implementation as a way of curbing their negative implications and preventing their potential possibilities. This paper serves to explain the discourse of science fiction as well as elucidate the validity of the argument that science fiction offers more of nightmares that dreams in its imaginative visions and a detailed reasoning why dreams eventually turn in to nightmares.
Ray Bradbury left a monumental impact on the world of science fiction, and he is considered one of the greatest science fiction authors of all time. Enns writes that Bradbury defines science fiction as "… the art of the possible. Fantasy is the art of the impossible. Science fiction, again, is the history of ideas, and they are always ideas that work themselves out and become real and happen in the world. And fantasy comes along and says, 'We're going to break all the laws of physics.'” (87). His definition of science fiction is that the art is obliged to tell the people of what is possible in the world, written and described in a way that predicts how science and technology will shape the future. In the wake of this and his other explanations, his implication is that Sci-Fi should serve as a warning to the bad things or nightmares that are bound to happen in the future and what the overall future holds. His ideas on futurism were that the genre should not only give the positive of technological advancements, but also give a clear description of the villainy part of development. This entails explaining how the technologies will work on wiping out humanity through artificial intelligence, how machine and their emissions will damage the earth and the components that brings life it among others.
Living in the 1800s, one would not have been believed if they gave a strange story about a woman who swallows a pill and starts to destroy building because of the strengths and super powers they have, with the objective of advancing for the liberation of women. One would not have been believed if they told a story about the future and how automobiles would be created to move across nations and the landscape just to kill millions of people in a period of seventy years. Science fiction is all about what is possible and in explaining what is possible, they get people ready for the problems that are about to strike them so that they can have decipher effective methods to deal with them (Enns 103). There are very few to no science fiction films, short stories or books that explain only the positive fantasies of the future, plausible technological developments and a good life in general. A well written, well preformed and professionally created science fiction film or story contains both the dreams and the nightmares of the future but mo...
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