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Field Research on College Success. Literature & Language Essay

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Field Research on College Success

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Field Research on College Success
Profile I
Emma is a 28-years old Language and Literature graduate from a university in Wisconsin. She is the first-born among three children. Her mother is a university professor while her father is a businessman. They got divorced when Emma was just 19. Since then, she became the breadwinner of the family, providing support to her mother and two siblings. This is also the reason why she struggled so much to be able to graduate college with flying colors.
As a student, Emma really had a hard time pursuing her dreams. She did not just worked hard, but she also worked smart. The most challenging factor that probably hindered her during that time was their financial stability. She had to support her own finances as well as her younger siblings’ needs. However, she did not let such obstacles go in her way to becoming what she really wanted to be. She did everything she could like taking two jobs at the same time while studying, chasing scholarship programs everywhere, and selling different products from different sources to friends and other people just to earn money. She was able to do all these and managed her time wisely by practicing self-discipline and undying determination.
She never regretted having to face those challenges. She also never blamed her parents for having to sacrifice her own time and happiness just to provide support for their abandoned family. In fact, she is happy that all of those things in the past happened. She explained and advised, “If it weren’t for those things, then I probably won’t be the person I am now. Students should know that these things happen for a reason. Whatever happens, they just need to keep on dreaming and all will come true with the right amount of discipline and perseverance.” The divorce of her parents inspired her to work and struggle so hard to achieve her dreams. Right now, she is a reputable Literature professor in a university in New York City.
Profile II
Jacob is a 30 -year old businessman. He is running his cake and pastry shop via online and in the real world. He is the youngest of four siblings and his parents are still together. Today, his revenue mostly comes from his online venture, but he still opts to pursue his physical shop because baking is his passion and according to him, it is all where everything started.
He got his baking skills from his late grandfather who was also a baker. Even as a kid, he already knew what he wanted to do with his life after college – to have his own cake and pastry shop. However, it wasn’t really that easy before he finally came to pursue that dream. In college, he had the most heart-breaking story that anyone could ever have. He was disowned by his father because of the decision he had to make, which is to pursue his love for baking and culinary arts.
Despite of his father’s contradictions, he still pursued a degree in Culinary Arts. The most challenging perhaps in making this decision is that he had to finance his college tuition and necessities. He had help from his mother in secret, but surely that wasn’t enough. So he had to take on more than one job while studying just so he could earn money for his college degree. Luckily, he also had friends and family relatives who were ready to help him. He was also able to join a non-school organization that gave him a scholarship grant. With the help of all these people and institutions, he was able to overcome his financial problems and graduated in college with a degree in what he loves the most.
According to Jacob, determination and the will to finish school is the key to success. Likewise, he said that it is proper time management and discipline that would help you achieve what you have always dreamed of. To do this, he advised knowing your priorities and setting your goal even before you start pursuing your dream. Finally, he said, “Never forget being grateful to those who have helped and are willing to help just so you can reach those dreams.”
Profile III
Rebecca is a fresh graduate from a university in Canada. She just recently migrated to New York to look for a job that would fit into her skills and abilities. Right now, she is living with her sister who also have the same story – one who chased her dreams and eventually became successful in her own way.
According to her, college is the most fun part of her education life. For some, it would be high school, but for her, it was college that gave him the most enjoyable time. She said because it is where she learned how to discipline herself and see all the possibilities that a college degree would offer. Likewise, college taught her that things will not go your way if you do not make them happen.
Rebecca had a typical college life. Like most students, the challenge she had to face was her grades. In her words, “Challenging? Maybe it’s the fact that I wasn’t motivated enough. We were like most families. We didn’t have any interesting story to tell. My struggle would probably be the pressure my parents had to put on me.” During her first year in college, she failed one subject and her parents got...
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