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Literary Analysis Paper for creation narratives. Literature

Essay Instructions:

Note: if you choose to write about creation narratives, I'd like you to do an ecocritical comparison of the Genesis and Iroquois accounts. Your paper must still be thesis driven. In other words, you need to make some kind of ecocritical argument about the texts. What I do NOT want you to do is to offer your personal religious beliefs or proselytize using these narratives (Remember, we're treating these text as literature in this course). If you have questions, please ask.

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The nature of how the world came into being and who came up with such creations vary from one culture to another, from one religion to another, and from one concept to another. The significance of the differences in these various creation narratives depends on how they are portrayed and interpreted according to how man perceives his existence and the world relating to him and his surroundings. Comparisons would not be able to completely help out in getting to know the points emphasized by such accounts of creation if similarities will not be taken into consideration. This paper serves to analyze the depth of differences, similarities and relevance between the Iroquois and Genesis creation narratives using ecocritical approach as much as possible. 
The Differences between Iroquois and Genesis
The matter with comparing Iroquois from the Genesis creation seems more complicated as it seems since the Iroquois creation myth have twenty-five versions. The nature of having more than one version for a particular culture's myth can be the source of inconsistency yet the difference still visible in comparison to other culture's creation myths. In one version, Iroquois' cosmogenic tale differs from Genesis, the myth of Jews and Christians, regarding the world's creation, mankind's attitude, and his authority over other creatures. Iroquois believed the ancients had already existed in two worlds – the upper world and the lower world inhabited categorically by mankind and the great monster/s. The earth was formed on a turtle's back when the existence of one woman fell from the upper world to the dark lower world. The Creation of the Universe, different from what already existed came into existence when the woman bore twins – the good and bad minds. As for the Genesis creation, nothing existed except for God and when he created the world, evil did not exist in the beginning. 
Meanwhile, in another version, which was transcribed and translated by David Cusick, Iroquois states their belief in the existence of a "Great Spirit", the heaven – the "country above the sky inhabited by many Superior Beings", and the earth – the "Great Island" having been formed by the twin infants of the Great Spirit's daughter while Genesis, in comparison, still describes how the heaven and earth were created in seven days by one existing superior being, God. 
The prevalence of good required the co-existence of evil in order to form harmony and balance in Iroquois while a balanced world without the existence of evil is stated in Genesis. Evil takes form in sin and sin as depicted in Iroquois had been committed by the woman who bore twins. In the version where she is the Great Spirit's daughter, she desired what was forbidden – desiring or claiming the roots from the Great Tree. Her fall to the lower world formed the earth and mankind, whereas in Genesis, sin was first committed by Eve, the first woman who was created by God as a companion to the first man he created. The earth and mankind were already created before sin existed unlike in Iroquois. However, her punishment bo...
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