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Federal Student Aid for All Higher Education Expenses

Essay Instructions:

Argument Essay Final Directions
Format: MLA
Word count:1,000 word minimum
Citations: 3 properly used and cited sources, minimum
The Assignment:
You will have received feedback on your Argument Essay Rough Draft by 6 OCT of you turned it in on time. Now you need to take that feedback and revise all errors in format, structure, clarity, coherence, conciseness, wording, content, mechanics, and grammar. Fix what I point out needs correcting and other errors you find. Review readings from the previous weeks to make changes to your essay to ensure this piece of writing meets the standards of formal writing in Academic English and fulfill the requirements of the assignment.
Note: The Argument Essay Final is NOT the same assignment as the Argument Essay Rough Draft you submitted. If you made an “A” on the Rough Draft and turn it as a Final without revisions, you may earn an “F” for this assignment. YOU MUST EDIT AND REVISE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, YOU CANNOT SUBMIT AN IDENTICAL DRAFT!
Basic Requirements:
An Argument Essay clearly asserts a debatable (you can find evidence of counterarguments in your research) opinion or perspective about a science-based topic and then goes on to logically prove that thesis using supporting evidence from research from credible scientific sources. This will be the basis of the eventual research paper you will write by the end of the course.
The Argument Essay Directions
Select a thesis on a scientific topic you can expand into a full research paper. Choose a subject that interests you, a perspective that is debatable (not everyone may agree) and that you can prove through research and explore it here in a short, well-reasoned, well-supported argument paper. Email me if you have any problems narrowing your topic down to a good thesis.
Write at least 1,000 words with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Have identifiable thesis and mapping statements in the introduction and identifiable topic sentences in the body paragraphs. Have a correctly formatted Works Cited page.
The Argument Essay must contain at least THREE quotes, at least two of which must be from primary source material, though you can use as many as you need:
Using ICE (introduce, cite, explain)
Using a mix of direct quotes, paraphrases, and summaries as appropriate
DO NOT use long direct quotations; anything longer than 2-3 lines should be converted into a paraphrase or summary
The Argument Essay must meet the following format guidelines:
Have 1 inch top, bottom, right and left margins;
Times New Roman 12 font;
Running header with last name and page number;
MLA compliant title block on first page;
All content double spaced.
The Argument Essay must meet the following content and mechanics guidelines:
Must be at least 1,000 words long (not including Works Cited page);
Must be guided by a clearly identified thesis statement and well-articulated mapping statement;
Must be organized logically with clear topic sentences that connect back to the thesis statement;
Must contain a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that discuss your ideas and establish their importance to the audience;
Must contain none of the following major mechanical errors:
Run-on sentences
Tense shifts
Possession errors
Capitalization errors
Subject-verb agreement errors
Must conform to Academic/Standard English Grammar requirements for proofreading, usage, and spelling.
My thesis is as follows : Federal student aid for all higher education expenses should be made available to all historically disadvantaged students because of the lack of financial resources that prevent these students from obtaining degrees and the good jobs that come with good education, because historically racist policies have led to a wealth gap that can be only be narrowed through good education and good jobs, and because these students often arrive from underfunded public school systems and often need to repeat classes to catch up to their peers.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Student’s Name]
[Instructor’s Name]
[Course Title]
Federal student aid for all higher education expenses
Making federal student aid available for all historically disadvantaged students would improve higher education attainment and close the education gap. Education is expensive in the US, like other countries, and students from poor backgrounds lag behind without federal aid. The students are also more likely to face numerous challenges breaking from the cycle of poverty because of the lack of quality education. The cost of attending college or university includes the cost of tuition and basic expenses like books, educational materials, housing, living expenses, transportation, and food. Federal student aid provides student financial assistance in the form of federal grants, loans, work-study, and scholarships. Federal student aid provides funds to students to pay for college. Federal student aid for all higher education expenses should be made available to all historically disadvantaged students. This will cover expenses for these students who lack resources, have been affected by racist policies resulting in poor quality of education and an underfunded public school system.
Federal student aid generally has more benefits than loans through banks or other private institutions where interest and terms of payment loans tend to be less favorable. Additionally, federal student aid and loans have lower interest rates, and the interest rates are deferred for a while. Federal student aid makes it easier to complete college and university education, and if students enroll and drop out, there are difficulties making up the difference. Sometimes federal student aid is the source of funding to facilitate enrollment in colleges and universities feasible.
The federal student aid ought to offset education costs, but the increasing wealth gap and education costs limit the low-income and disadvantaged students from accessing quality education. Yet, federal student aid has the potential to expand education opportunities for students from low-income backgrounds who lack the financial resources to attend colleges and universities outside the federal student aid programs. However, student aid is ineffective when it is targeted at the for‐profit colleges (Cellini and Koedel 935). There are expensive loans that would further impoverish poor students, including predatory loan options with high interest rates. Promoting and improving access to federal student aid would increase the postsecondary students’ opportunities to learn in institutions of higher learning. College affordability reduces the likelihood of students dropping out compared to when education is expensive and no student aid.
Adopting and implementing financial aid programs has a considerable effect on the education outcomes of students from low-income households with fewer opportunities for higher education. Access to credit and loans is linked to an increase in enrollment among low-income students, especially for high-achieving students (Solis 582). There is a higher probability of students enrolling when there is student aid as students, and their parents or guardians weigh the cost and benefits of higher education. Generous federal student aid programs also broaden educational choices, and there is a greater willingness to attain higher education. Increasing the cost of tuition hurts potential students’ intention decision to enroll in colleges and universities.
Racist policies have widened the wealth gap, and federal student aid programs potentially reduce the wealth gap and facilitate enrollment in colleges and education, and by extension, getting well-paying ...
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