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Disputed Essay: Question and Objections

Essay Instructions:

In 3-5 double-spaced pages, please do the following:
1. Select a disputed question. This may be political, philosophical, religious, or otherwise.
Remember that a disputed question must be precise, narrow, and subject to
2. Use the dispute method to defend your position on the question. As a reminder, the
dispute method has five steps:
i. Question
ii. Objections (please detail no fewer than three (3) objections)
iii. Thesis and core reasoning
iv. General reply to objections
v. Specific reply to objections
3. Include specific citations and references for AT LEAST TWO of your objections and AT
LEAST TWO of your specific replies to objections.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Disputed Essay
Question and Objections
The disputed question selected for this essay is that of the existence of God. This question has raised great disputes especially since the inception of philosophy and science. The disputed question is whether God exists or not. The following are the objections provided by those who argue that God does not exist. First, the opponents argue that life can only come from pre-existing life. To attempt to justify the question of where the first life came from, such theories as the big bang theory are provided. From the basis of these theories, it is argued that there was no need for a creator for life to exist. Since those who believe in the existence of God believe that He created life, the opponents provide the above counterargument. In the same line of thoughts, those who argue that God does not exist question where God came from. The second main argument provided to prove that God does not exist is the observation that the earth is self-sufficient. The earth contains everything that is needed to support life (Williamson, 7). Consequently, the argument is put across that there is no need for an external force to control what happens on earth. Further, every species seems to contain the blueprint of what is needed for it to survive on earth. The third reason put across to defend the belief that God does not exist is the lack of substantial scientific evidence to prove the same. Most of those who believe that there are no deities argue that there exist no signs or evidence to prove such existence (Pike, 14).
Thesis and Core Reasoning
The main thesis put across for failure to believe in the existence of God is that there is no scientific evidence to prove such existence. Prior to the age of philosophy, most people used to believe in the existence of God without questioning. However, with the advent of philosophy and science, scholars started questioning the existence of God. The formation of the scientific method led to the core reasoning behind the lack of belief in the existence of God. Most scholars believe that for anything to be admitted into the body of scientific knowledge, it must pass through the process of the scientific method (Williamson, 7). This method attempts to collect appropriate data and reach viable conclusions based on the analysis of the data. Most modern disciplines such as medicine depend on the scientific method. The scientific me...
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