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Various Examples of Domestic or Intimate Partner Violence

Essay Instructions:

Hello, You have 1 hour to read the book chapter 1 and 2, then once you are done reading everything I provided please let me know so we can proceed to the essay, the essay is about one question that I don't know because I have to open it and once I open it I will be forced to finish it, so that's why I have to make sure you are prepared before opening the essay . I will have 60 minutes to complete the exam so, that means that you have so send it to me when there's like 10 mins left, whatever you have is okay.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

Domestic violence is a form of gender oppression that is characterized by bodily injuries, abusive language, verbal threats, emotional abuse, and harassment as ways of coercing, controlling, or punishing the persons or a victim, who he or she has an intimate relationship with. It is also called intimate partners violence (IPV) because the aggressor and the victim are related by intimate connection. Domestic violence occurs across socioeconomic, religious, and cultural settings. Women form the majority of the victims of this form of violence e due to their inherent sociocultural and political position in the community.
There are various examples of domestic or intimate partner violence. One such example includes what is defined as dowry murder. Dowry murder involves the killing of wives due to the inability to pay dowry to the bride's family. The bride or the husband would kill his wife because of failure to get dowry from her so that he could marry another wife who can pay dowry. Here women are perceived as material for economic use, which constitutes oppression in the form of intimate partner violence. This inhumane phenomenon is commonly observed in southeast Asian countries such as India.
Honor Killing is another form of domestic violence that involves the murder of girls or women for falling in love or getting engaged to a man whom the family did not approve of and is considered to bring d...
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