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Literature & Language
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Fear of failing. Literature and Language Assignment

Essay Instructions:

I get stuck when I have to talk about myself. It would be easy, but life is so damn hard right now I get stuck on every other word. I have a decent start I think, but I can't finish it and it was due 2 days ago. To give you some info that may help. I'm a single mother to twin 9 year old girls. I'm a full time student taking 13 difficult units right now. I have 3 more semesters before I graduate with an AS in Computer Science Networking+ Security. I have the world in my shoulders right now for I'm balancing school, kids, I just moved to a new city to attend school and I just found out 2 weeks ago that my roommate hasn't been paying the rent (even though I paid him at the beginning of every month!)so we have until October 3 to find a new place or get an eviction notice!. All of my family is no longer alive so I don't have any help and to top it off I moved to a new city to attend school so I don't even have friends yet... I've always had it rough but I'm more lost than ever. In my head Im curled up in ball wanting to die, but on the outside I seem to have everything figured out. I keep going for I have no choice. I can't afford to fail no matter how crippling the emotion is... Overall I would like to see how difficult everything is but no matter how hard it gets I still keep my head up high and keep on fighting.

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Professor’s Name:
Fear of failing
I have this fear of failing as we all do. However, mine is quite apparent. This fear causes my legs to shake, I forget how to breathe, and my world starts to spin. At times, my heart beats fast and I find myself constantly working to control my emotions to prevent a full-on panic attack. But this never keeps the ice-cold sensation that gives me goosebumps up and down my body at bay. This sensation makes my hair stand and when this happens, I hear voices in my head screaming at me and warning me not to fail. During these moments, I usually see the faces of my children and am reminded that I need to continue working hard.
To conquer my fears, I do my best to plan ahead. I believe that if I plan ahead, I will have ample time to think things through before I work on them. But as we all know, life never conforms to man’s wishes and so, at times things never go as planned. As a mother, I cannot show any weakness or appear frail because I will lose my credibility in the eyes of my two girls. I push myself to extra limits knowing that I need to be a good example to my children.
My children are my inspiration and unknowingly to them, I tend to siphon a lot of motivation from them. Their eyes are filled with hope, love, and laughter and when I see them, I feel fulfilled and a winner. Life can be scary and as a person who fears failure, there has to be constant energy or inspiration supply. Thinking about them led me to develop or come up with some principles which help me to fight my fear of failure. Relying on these principles has helped me a lot an...
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