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Why students leave school. Literature & Language. Essay

Essay Instructions:

Assignment: Develop a strong thesis statement about education. Prove your thesis with excerpts from the writings of Marina Keegan, two outside sources and one opposing point of view. Include photographs that reflects your thesis. (5-7 typed pages MLA)

Steps to Completion:

1. Re-read your journals/discussion board posts.

2. What affected you most about one of Keegan's essays?

3. Develop an argument that is based on an idea you found in the readings.

4. Research information about your topic

5. Write the information in your own words

6. Create an outline or plan for your draft

7. Feel free to meet or email me with questions

Suggested Topics:

4. Why students leave school


Introduce your thesis statement

Cite passages from Keegan that reflect your thesis

Interpret each passage

Cite and interpret passages from two sources that agree with your point of view

Voice your thoughts about each outside source

Cite and interpret a passage from an opposing view and “weigh-in.”

Be sure to make a strong final point

Focus on establishing your own voice throughout the paper, rather than citing too m

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Why Students Leave School
Given the advancements in technology, the study curriculum has changed a lot to ensure that schools provide enlightened people. The curriculum does not only deal with educating an individual on the items listed in the syllabus but also, teach about the daily life that the students face after school. Therefore, this combination could be seen as a way of making the curriculum complex and hence, leading to the reasons as to why some students leave school.
Marina talks about the complexity that surrounds the issue of writing essays, and this could be a motive for a student to leave school. Students face the challenge of multiple assignments that they have to complete within a short time (Keegan 2015). Therefore, in the case whereby the student is not enthusiastic, then dealing with such assignments can be hectic for them. In addition to the assignments, they also have to study for their final exams and still balance their study life with extra curriculum activities. Marina argues that when editing an essay, you do not have to think so much about a sentence that only took you a minute to write. This is where the challenge of essay writing in school lies because most students believe that they have to read the essay out aloud so that they can be able to identify the mistakes and correct them. As a result, they make the necessary changes and take much time proofreading to ensure that they come up with a good quality essay. The outcome of this is that the student might end up wasting much time on a single assignment instead of doing other constructive things. Thus, this means that they will be late for their deadlines and will also not have sufficient time to study for their exams. It is such overwhelming activities that push the students to leave school because they cannot keep up with the curriculum.
Also, students leave school as a result of teen pregnancy. The pregnancies act as a great distraction to the students, hence making it difficult for them to pay attention in school work (Barroso, Carina and Red 2016). As well, the pregnancy can change their attitude towards learning, and this leaves the student with no choice other than leaving school. Also, the society does not receive teenage pregnancies with much appreciation because people believe that a child must complete their studies up to at least the high school level before they can decide on having children. Therefore, this perception makes the teenagers feel like that have done something very shameful, and this makes it difficult for them to interact with other students in the school environment. It is not easy to survive without friends, and thus, the students choose to leave school rather than be lonely. The curriculum requires the students to have group discussions whereby group assignments are also offered. Therefore, in a case whereby a student has no friends, then they will only get frustrated by the classroom expectations that they cannot meet. Leaving school would be a good option for them. However, some of them get back to school once they have given birth. Although their age will be different from the age of the students in the similar grade, their determination to achieve good grades and in turn a good career will be a driving force in ensuring that they work hard. To some extent, the stigma of having given birth while still, a teenager is permanent throughout the school life because other students will always bring up the topic.
As well, the lack of parental support is another reason as to why many students drop out of school. This is evident in the increased numb...
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