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Career. Finish my Undergraduate Studies. Get an Internship

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It's an essay identify what we want in our 30s, 40s etc and work backwards on how we can achieve them ( the process how to get there from beginning to end) for me i study political science so what it is to make me become successful in my 30's and 40's , it could be with career, family,life it could include all that

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One thing that lingers in my mind and keeps me awake at night is my goal to run for Congress and win before I celebrate my 50th birthday. Every day, I picture myself as a Congressman debating and shutting down any government agenda that does not seek to help the people. However, I know that I need to start preparing myself right now if am to convert my vision into reality. My father always told me to visualize and then work towards the picture in my mind. So, I intend to fight and make sure that I live to become what I keep seeing.
Finish my Undergraduate Studies
The first thing in my to-do list is finishing my undergraduate studies with a strong grade. Well, it starts with taking my political science degree seriously. So, I want to study with a purpose and a goal in mind. It is possible to be in school and lack motivation or the drive to study and work hard. However, with a goal in mind, I have come to realize that it is quite easy because I use my goal as motivation.
Get an Internship
The second thing on my to-do list in my journey to become congressman is to get an internship. My ideal place where I would like to do my internship is on a congressman’s campaign. I would like to get as close to my dream as possible. So, I believe that working close to a congressman would be an ideal opportunity to see myself as a congressman one day. I want to know what it means to be congressman-like, how I should address the voters, the mannerisms of a congressman, and anything that comes with the job. My goal here will be to learn and to push myself to understand what differentiates effective congressmen and ineffective ones. I believe that interning for a congressman campaign would offer me a great opportunity to learn many things and start preparing for my time as a congressman.
Look for a Government Job or in Political Units
As already stated, I wish to learn as much as I can about being a politician and while working in the government or lobby groups, I know I will acquire first-hand experience. Voters believe in people and their ideas, so my goal is to transform myself into a person who can be trusted and play the political game shrewdly. Looking at lobby groups, their goal is often to persuade or influence perception. As a politician, this is an important quality that I intend to possess. While campaigning, politicians seek to turn public opinion to their favor. This means that one has to be able to use available information to create a favorable environment for themselves. So, I intend to learn this skill because it will be useful when my time comes.
Do My Masters in Political Science
As a politician, I will be expected to showcase my understanding of politics and this will not be possible if I possess my undergrad degree only. While speaking to the nation or while having conversations with fellow congressmen, I intend...
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