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Online Education vs. Traditional Education? Education Essay

Essay Instructions:

Exploratory Paper Claim/ Thesis/ Argument

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Please post your topic and argument for the next 2 papers (same topic for both papers).

You can create any argument relating to education, career/jobs, or specifically math education. You are bound by these topics but are free to argue anything within them.

Help each other get to a definite argument/claim/ thesis by refining the topic or offering a claim which is more arguable.

Be sure to formulate a definite argument/claim/ thesis which is arguable (a claim of policy). In other words just the topic would not be enough. I cannot give you much feedback on a topic, but can help you with a full fledged claim.

Your claim :

should be a full sentence

should be arguable (there is a debate around this issue or even controversy)

should not be a question

should not be a statement of fact unless the fact is contested (because your paper is not going to be merely an informational paper but, ultimately, a persuasive/argumentative one)

should be more than claim of value (tells me what your stance is) and be a claim of policy (course of action you recommend)

should be posted by end of class today

Friday is the day to redo your claim after reading peer responses; this is the claim that I will give you feedback on.

The actual assignment, the Exploratory paper, for which you will use this thesis/claim/argument, is due till week 6 for peer review.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Is Online Education More Effective and Productive Than Traditional Education?
The dynamism of economic, social and cultural processes in modern society implies changes in the field of education. The development of information technology has created a number of prerequisites for the emergence of online learning. It is the transfer of education or information without direct contact between the teacher and the student, carried out only through the interaction of information and computer technologies. This paper aims to contrast and compare the traditional, i.e. on-campus education and online education, the practical approaches involved in online education system, and the advantages of online way of learning. However, the success of online learning is not always certain, rather it depends on its effective organization and the quality of the methodological tools and methods used in this process. According to my point of view, many students prefer to attend traditional learning systems rather than online, so that they may develop effective communication with the teachers and peers. In this way, they may get more facilitated with on-campus education. Another opposing point is that the online courses have strict deadlines to be met regarding lectures, examinations, and assignments, while in traditional system; these are usually compensated when the student is in virtuous relationship with the teacher. This can be related to my personal experience in the college when we had a combination of projects with clashing deadlines, we used to ask the teacher to provide some leverage.
Statistics of Students in Online Learning courses
The number of students taking online courses has been constantly increasing throughout the world including the United States. According to the statistics provided by Statista, the percentage of students enrolled in online education was increased from 13.3 % in 2012 to 16.7 % in 2016 (Statista n.d.). Graph 1 presents the statistics of online education trend from 2012 to 2016 in the United States.
Graph SEQ Graph \* ARABIC 1: Statistics of online education trend from 2012 to 2016 in the United States.
Comparison of Traditional and Online Education
The effectiveness of training in online classes and traditional classes is significantly different. In traditional education, the student will have more practical activities than in online education. With traditional education, most materials are provided by the school, while with online, the student must possess the necessary materials. Furthermore, in online education the student can automatically get assignments and study online (Alsaaty et al. 31). Thus, online education is a very convenient, promising and accessible form for obtaining additional knowledge for self-development or advanced training. In this case, the student maintains a high level of professional skills and knowledge by self-discipline and self-motivation, and the desire to learn new facts and gain additional knowledge.
In short, both education systems have their own pros and cons. The traditional involves offline training in high school. It is still traditional and often mandatory for the employer. Some students choose online education, while others prefer the traditional systems. Therefore, both education systems have their own advantages and it depends upon the student to take advantage of gaining more knowledge and skills from either systems.
Opposing View 1: Students prefer traditional learning, rather than online due to communication issues
Most people prefer traditional learning, rather than online, because with traditional learning, the student not only learns, rather also communicates with the teachers and peers. In addition, the students also build good relationship with the peers. In traditional learning system, the persons with whom the student may communicate include the teacher as well as students therefore the student’s interaction becomes widespread. The practical part of the traditional learning system for students is the solution of situational problems and course work. Furthermore, the many students find that traditional learning systems are easier for them than online teaching, especially in difficult subjects, such as physics or mathematics. For some students, the opportunity to learn where they are comfortable is all that is needed for the successful acquisition of material. As far as my experience is concerned, I too always felt comfortable in traditional classes as it provides more exposure to the technicalities of learning in front of teacher and peers. Therefore, the learning skills I have gained from traditional classes are more facilitating in clearing my concepts for critical subject which could not have been developed from online courses. Everyone learns in different ways, and the traditional tutors can give you as much time and as much attention as you need. Flexibility and convenience in many ways, of course, make the process of traditional learning more relaxed.
On the other hand, negotiating from this opposing view, unlike traditional education system, the online learning offers great opportunities, including for people with disabilities and those who live in remote areas. This provides particular importance to enumerating the main tasks of online education. It includes variability of educational programs considering the individual needs of students, the combination of educational and professional activities, the opportunity to gain additional professional knowledge of the chosen profession, and the opportunity to engage more in the educational process.
Opposing View 2: Online Courses have Strict Deadlines
There is also an opposing view that online courses usually have deadlines for assignment, tests, commenting on lectures, etc. It is true in several aspects, for instance, if a student is enrolled in traditional learning in campus, he or she will have more time to interact with the teacher. As mentioned earlier, the teachers also provide leniency to the prominent...
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