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The Executive Powers of the President

Essay Instructions:

Using powers from Article II, either implied or expressed, students will react as the President might, to solve a problem.

What would you do as president if Airline Plots Go on Strike?Please use the Article II of the U.S. Constitution to answer this question.

1 page typed Minimun

Final Draft worth 50 points toward a test

Graded on: On- Time (5)

Length (5)

Grammar/Structure (5)

Use of Article II-ID Specific or Implied Power (5)

Address Three Areas- What will you do? (10)

How are you going to use your power? (10)

Create a reaction (10)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Course: Date: The Executive Powers of the President The first section of Article 2 of the US constitution states that “the Executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America” (umkc.edu). All the executive powers of the president are not expressed in this Article, although it implies that the President of the United States may issue an executive order to direct any federal function. In case of striking airline pilots, I would invoke the Article to direct all the pilots to get back to their work stations in the shortest time possible. I will facilitate this by further ordering the chief of operations in civil aviation to address the issues that precipitated the strike. After notified of the industrial action, I would immediately call for a press briefing to announce the presidential order. I would c...
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