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Examining the Role of Men and Women In The Epic of Gilgamesh

Essay Instructions:

Essay questions should be answered in full essay format (use five-paragraph model as a guide) with a clear strong thesis guiding your argument. Each prompt is broad; however, your thesis should be narrow and focused. There is no need to summarize the text, but you should refer to specific examples within each text.

1. Examine the role of men and/or women, husbands and/or wives. In The Epic of Gilgamesh.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Examine the role of men and/or women In The Epic of Gilgamesh.
The Epic of Gilgamesh is a very ancient story that embodies the archetype of the Hero’s journey. The tale creates a wonderful set-up to imbue the story with an impact that gives wisdom to the reader. The hero’s task to find something that will create benefit for himself and the community. Usually, the role of a woman provides the necessary challenge and inspiration to the hero. The role of women is portrayed as their traits to give man wisdom and energy, or be the cause of his ruin and destruction. The role of the man can be seen in Gilgamesh’s own actions where he is either respectful or ungrateful of the woman’s power.
In the Epic of Gilgamesh, certain women characters create a general presentation of women. Two women in the story provide wisdom and lessons for the hero. In the story, a wild man, Enkidu, who is strong and brute, is tamed and empowered by Shamhat, a priestess, who offers her naked body for the satisfaction of Enkidu’s desire. [….] For seven days / [Enkidu] stayed erect and made love with her” (79). This sexual act is what enabled Enkidu to come forth through manhood and towards a more civilized life, instead of his brute and unrefined ways. However, his union with Shamhat has caused his connection with the animals and nature to severe. Enkidu tried to rejoin the wild animals, “But the gazelles / saw him and scattered” (79). and at the same time, his awareness grew as he has become open to newer dimensions in life. “that his mind had somehow grown larger, / he knew things now that an animal can’t know” (79). In this instance, it is a woman which permits the growth and evolution of man. Men’s desires are fulfilled by women, as women submit to the authority and power of man. Woman was used as a key to enable man to become a better version of himself.
Another woman who portrays wisdom and learning in the story is Shiduri, the tavern keeper. This character gives a sound and lasting advice to the hero.
Humans are born, they live, then they die,
This is the order that the gods have decreed.
But until the end comes, enjoy your life,
Spend it in happiness, not despair [….]
That is the best way for a man ...
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