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Understanding How and Why We Study Religion

Essay Instructions:

Materials List:

Myhre, ed. Ch. 1 “What Is Religion?” p. 3-13 (skim to p. 6, read @“It may help to reflect that since religious practice….”)

Myhre, ed. Debra Majeed, Ch. 2 “How Is Religion Studied?” p. 17-26.

CAM: Rebecca T. Alpert. “Introduction," Religion and Sports: An Introduction and Case Studies. New York, NY: Columbia University Press, 2015, p. 4-8 (Defining Religion).

Malory Nye, ‘Trying to understand religion?,’ Medium, 8/26/16, Religion Bites Blog.


Malory Nye,‘Thinking about money and religion,’Medium, 8/2/17, Religion Bites Blog.


Work to do:

3-4 sentence summary of the materials

5-6 main points (can use bullet points)

1-2 take-aways of 1-2 sentences each on the assigned materials(can use bullet points; found most interesting, surprising, or key learning and why). For example: I found X surprising/interesting because Y , OR: A key learning for me was X since this was the first time I learned about it and it made me realize/feel...).

Essay Sample Content Preview:
How and Why we Study Religion
Religion is a very complex topic, with the term itself having several definitions depending on different human perspectives and perceptions. However, there is no ultimate or straightforward definition for the term (Myhre 8). How you define it is mainly based on the function that we wish to accomplish at the end of the study, either for academic purposes or for devotional purposes (Majeed 18). The study of religion is simply studying different human activities and beliefs that show us how most people live, their meaning of life and how they live their realities (Majeed 25). Religion taking the form of a culture that is practiced by human beings, has direct or indirect relations and influences to other cultural practices such as sports and money.
To answer the question why we study religion, it is essential to consider the function of studying this topic. The two main functions of studying religion include academic and devotional study (Majeed 18). The academic study is for expanding knowledge of religious practices while assigning no value to a specific orientation while the devotional study is for learning, applying, and maybe teaching specific religion (Majeed 18). When focusing on the academic study, there may also be different reasons as to why different people study religion that includes, curiosity about how religious ideas and practices orient and influence those around us, to get a chance to confirm the superiority of the scientific perspective, to learn about one’s religious practices and beliefs and those of others or even to start a ministry.
We study religion based on different reasons depending on one’s culture, age, sex, location, history, and financial status (Majeed 15). Some approaches to studying religion mentioned include anthropological, ecological, sociological, psychological, phenomenological, feminist, and womanist approaches (Majeed 15). Religion as a culture or discipline has a lot of relation to other cultural ...
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