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Personal Narrative: A Life-Changing Field Trip

Essay Instructions:

Two topics to choose: describing an important event in life, or writing about a smaller event. However, I do not have any personal stories to share. I need a writer who can make up a story. I am Asian, female, and 21 years old.

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A Life-Changing Field Trip
Without the shadow of a doubt, summers were always exciting times for us students. We have fun at camps, went to concerts, and were able to stay stress-free because of no study obligation. The Greenwood Elementary School decided to visit the famous Wax Museum across the country. Who knew that a single field trip would change my entire perspective on life and have such a massive impact on my personality. I become a different person after that field trip because the events had such an impact. The bus was full of students with colored clothes and snacks for the ride. We were all singing songs, and the teachers made sure that everyone was in a joyful mood. Since the journey was a long one, the teachers decided to take three bathroom breaks with an interval of two hours.
Before the first stop, our bus started to make problems. It was evident from the driver’s behavior that the bus was not in optimal condition. Before our first scheduled stop, the driver took some breaks to cool off the engine and check its water level due to severe heating issues. Since the teachers were no experts in vehicles, we had no idea what was going on. The road was not an easy one. It was bumpy with many potholes that were affecting our overall journey. The squeaking noises of nuts and bolts installed in the bus made us even more uncomfortable as we kept hearing them like a broken record. To add to the uncomfortable situation, the scorching heat made the journey unbearable. However, little did we know that this was only the start of our problems. As we went on our trip, a girl on our bus suddenly started to gasp loudly. By the looks of her, it was clear that she was having some kind of asthma attack. What made the situation worse for me was that she was one of my best friends since I joined the school. I could do nothing to help her, which bothered me the most during the whole trip. Seeing her condition, one of our teachers suddenly rushed towards her. Luckily, there was a first aid kit on the bus that could help my friend. However, when we opened that first aid box, there was nothing in there that could allow an asthmatic person in need.
A couple of bandages and iodine, but no inhaler was found in the first aid box. This was where everyone started to get worried. We were in the middle of nowhere, and the nearest hospital was 20 miles away from our location. Seeing that there was no silver lining, everyone started to panic, which worsened the situation. The adults tried to calm down the situation by ordering everyone to remain seated and calm. Everyone was under an insane amount of pressure, especially the teachers. This is because if a child died on their watch, it would deteriorate their reputation, possibly even getting them fired from their job. However, the teachers gathered around my friend, consoling and comforting her in the hope of stabilizing her condition, but it did not work.
On the contrary, it only worsened the situation as she was suffocating even more now among the crowd. Seeing this plan did not work, the teacher decided to shift to plan B. Plan B was to open all the windows of the bus for better airflow circulation. So, seeing that plan A did not work, all the staff members rushed to the windows and tried to push them open. However, unfortunately, it was of no use.
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