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Evaluating Leadership Role in the Chicken Run Film

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment: Media Analysis

You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optionalDRAFT.

This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You shouldalways avoid focusing solely on the grader’s DRAFT feedback; use the feedback as a supplement to thecourse lessons and your own revision ideas. Always expect to revise beyond what the DRAFT graderspecifically notes if you want to improve your score.

For this media analysis, you will analyze how one part affects the whole media production.Note that you should select only a single piece of media; you should not be discussing morethan one film, for example. You should choose one 1 of the following parts to explore:  Genre: Explain how the production you chose fits into its genre.  

Camera: Analyze how the camera’s use (camera angles, for instance) affects theoverall production.  Lighting: Describe how lighting is used to enhance or detract from the production.  Actors/Characters: Analyze how the actors OR the characters themselves enhance ordetract from the production.  Symbols: Explain what the symbols are and how their usage affects the overallproduction.  Music: Describe how the music enhances or detracts from the media production.  Sound Effects: Analyze how the sound effects enhance or detract from theproduction.  Special Effects: Explain what special effects are used and how they affect the viewingexperience.  Comparison to a Literary Work: (Note: This option may only be chosen if the film youchose is also in print form.)

How are the book and film similar? How are theydifferent? Which is better, and why?Your purpose in this assignment is to explain how or why something works; therefore, youshould not include a full summary of the media production. Instead, you can provide contextwhere needed so the reader understands what is happening. The body of the essay must1 Please review the rubric and note that you will not earn full credit if you analyze more than one of thesecomponents.focus on your analysis. You can use the ideas contained in the Media Analysis lessonpresentation and the Writer’s Handbook link to help you.As with all college writing, your essay should have a strong thesis statement in addition to anintroduction, body, and conclusion.Other than your chosen film, television show, and/or book, you are required to cite at leastone other credible 2 source for this essay. This resource from the course will help youunderstand more about evaluating sources. Moreover, if you use specific information fromthe media production and/or print source, such as a quotations, you should include yourchosen media source on your Works Cited page, too. Use proper parenthetical citations orsignal phrases, and be sure to include MLA documentation and a Works Cited page for thisassignment (this resource from the course will help).Review the rubric to see how your work will be assessed on this assignment.Thesis hints: You might use these guidelines in crafting your thesis:If you are analyzing elements in a production:In (add your one chosen production), (add character 1), (add character 2), and (add character 3) wereused to (add how they enhanced the production or explained the production’s message).ORIf you are comparing/contrasting a book and film:(Add book) contained (add one aspect that made the book better than the film), but (add film) used(add one aspect that made the film better than the book) and (add a second aspect that made thefilm better than the book) to better capture the reader’s imagination.Here are more specific thesis guidelines:If you are analyzing elements in a production:In the movie The Lorax, the characters Lorax, Once-ler, and Alocius O'Hare were used to show howenvironmentalists are fighting against profit-driven industries that are harming the environment anddepleting natural resources.2 Please note: Basic dictionary sources, user-edited websites (e.g., Wikipedia, eHow, etc.), and sites that housedatabases of quotations are not considered “credible” sources. You will lose points in the Research category of therubric if your sources aren’t credible.ORIf you are comparing/contrasting a book and film:Even though the characters were portrayed mostly the same across the book and the movie inStephanie Meyer’s Twilight, the setting in the movie was much more detailed, which made the moviea much better overall experience compared to the book.The guidelines for this assignment are as follows:Length: This assignment should be at least 500 words.Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with thefollowing information:  Your first and last name  Course Title (Composition II)  Assignment name (Media Analysis)  Current DateFormat:  MLA-style source documentation and Works Cited 3  Your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page  Double-spacing throughout  Standard font (TimesNewRoman, Calibri)  Title, centered after heading  1” margins on all sides  Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txtUnderline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.3 This resource may be helpful as you are making MLA formatting decisions:https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Media analysis
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Due date:
Evaluating Leadership Role in the Chicken Run Film
The movie is an interesting film for both adults and children. It can be easily understood by those who watch it. The film was produced by Gromitt and Wallace. The main characters are the chickens that are trapped in their farm and desperately need to escape (Lord and Park 7). The challenge is that if they fail to produce any egg for the week, Mr. and Mrs. Tweedy (the owners of the egg farm) want cut their heads. This study in this essay aims to analyze how characters enhance media production and evaluate leadership role in the Chicken Run film.
The film begins in a dark night in an egg farm based in rural England. The egg farm was much similar to a sweatshop where Ginger (one of the major characters) was trying to find ways to escape the farm (Henson 127). Nevertheless, Ginger’s plans including the plans of other chickens were ill fated. Chickens found themselves in a solitary confinement. This did not discourage Ginger’s plans including ambitions of other chickens; in a real sense, this situation strengthened them to look for ways to escape the farm.
The chickens were always in problems because after every attempt to escape, they always failed and their time was running out. When it appeared that all their attempts have failed, an American rooster known as Rocky finally fell into the farm while Ginger witnessed him (the rooster) flying into the farm. Lord and Park present that this was the time when Ginger realized that the only way to escape the farm was only through flying (11). The chickens had to learn how to fly before their time ran out. The chickens took initiative at their own hands and start creating their own flying machines. How they gained knowledge of flying is one of the interesting things in the story and is much entertaining. The film was a happy ending and was encouraging for everyone to watch when the chickens eventually find their way out of the farm.
The characters demonstrated different leadership styles in order to win their intentions. There are transformational, transactional or charismatic types of leadership styles. First, Ginger (the chicken) was always enthusiastic. She was tying to motivate other hens in order to attain their ambitions to escape the farm. Ginger was transformational leader since she had the visio...
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