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The Dust Bowl

Essay Instructions:

Write a 6-7 page paper in response to the assignment below. Remember to check the course Rubrics as well as to read the posted guidelines for writing a strong essay.

Imagine that it is 1937, and you own a 100-acre farm in Haskell County. You had been a prosperous farmer in the 1920s. Since the Dust Bowl began, you have barely hung on from year to year. This year, you must make a decision. You can keep going as you have been and, undoubtedly, lose your home and farm. You can leave it all and join the Exodusters heading for California to become farmer laborers. Or you can change the way you farm. Here, you have several possibilities: copy your Mennonite neighbors, or follow the advice of experts from the federal government. In this imaginary scenario, you been able to read Dust Bowl.

Write a long memo to yourself, to help you clarify your thinking and come to a decision. In this memo, consider all your possibilities and explain what they are and how each one would, in your imagination, work out for you. Explain your evaluations and decisions with reference to the information in Dust Bowl. Be sure to explain which choice you have made and explain this choice, again, with reference to information from Dust Bowl.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Introduction: The situation of dust storms is brought by both natural and manmade failure or doing it brings severe drought and damage to the ecology. When people overgraze or over plant the land, chance of the soil being left bare is very high hence when the wind blows it carries a lot of soil with it hence the term dust cloud. This hazard is best illustrates by T Brown & Don.  In their book The Great American Dust Bowl. , 2013. Print. In this age (1937) and era getting good produce will be difficult to get due to the new dust clowns that have affected the farming in the region.
This hazard of nature has taken the rich soil from the farm and has given the wind the upper hand to destroy the farm in many ways. Livestock cannot get healthy grass to feed on, and the farming business is affected in a big way I can't help myself but worry. Due to the recurrences of the dust storms on the 100 acre farms, I will need proper consideration methods that will contribute to improving the produce.
Some of the farmers around have opted to move to other cities such as California, although it is hard for them to start all again from scratch, they find it easier to work for other farmers. This change isn't an easy because, as a farmer, I will need to know if moving is the best decision for me or not. However, if I decide to stay, it will take a lot of sacrifices and learning on how to improve the farming techniques I need to recover my losses. This situation is well described by Low, Ann M. in their book Dust Bowl Diary. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984. Print.
Moving to a different location will also require selling of the house and other household goods which will not be that easy. Since many buyers are not willing to settle in this affected region and that will increase my scale of Loss terribly. The decision made will determine how the produce will turn out to be the idea of working for other farmers is something that will not be encouraging since the rewards are not the same as farming on my own.
The best idea is to take time and find out more about better farming methods and how to prevent the repetition of the same mistakes when the dust hit the town again. Well, waking up to a no fertile land is one of the things that are hard to come to terms with, because farming has been the best thing ever to happen in my life. In order to enjoy the same benefits, I will require some research that will help to get back on my feet again.
The first thing to put into the mind is to take information from the federal government on how to improve the quality of the soil on the farm and other surrounding areas. There are many experts dedicated to showing and teaching farmers on the best methods to apply if they want to see good results on their farms based on Natural disasters that happen time and again. Since a dust bowl is brought about by having little rainfall or light soil, high winds tend to take land quickly thus causing the damage to the layers of soil.
In order to achieve the right results, farm rehabilitation will be the best idea for the farm that will help me to beat the dust bowl plague that affects the area. This plan will be done through proper planting of many trees effectively on the farm that will help hold up the soil for all nature’s calamities. This plan is well illustrated by Worster, Donald. In His book, Dust Bowl: in The Southern Plains in the 1930s. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print.
The trees planted would help prevent soil erosion by keeping the soil compact thus giving enough chances for the farms usage in the right economic way. However, getting the right kind of trees to plant is something I need to put into much consideration since the wrong type of tree will cause me more trouble. The trees will also get planted in rows that will slow down the effect of soil erosion, if planted in a wrong way I will be in a lot of troubles.
The next thing that needs to action with the advice of the federal government is to use the method of crop rotation while planting. This norm means the experts advising me can develop different types of crops to plant on the farm.
Something to put in mind is that not all crops are favorable to the kind of weather in the area. This reason is why the professionals in this career will come in handy and help in making the right decision. For example, it is recommended to use a plan of 3 to 4-year plan of rotating the crops that will assist in renewing the soil nutrients. The experts have also suggested that the kind of plant selected one should plant for a two continuous year plan.
For instance, planting wheat on the farm might be ideal if I rotate with legumes that will help improve the richness of the soil. By doing so, this method will help in improving the quality of farm products that will increase the volume of the produce which will translate into making more profits.
Sometimes the federal government will suggest using other portions of land for some time and leave others without any crops in order for them to acquire the right nutrients hence recovering from exhaustion. Although this is paramount, it's impossible for any farmer that has less land to cultivate to bu...
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