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Arts Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Assignment worth 5 points, equivalent to 1/2 letter grade in this class. However, you are not guaranteed five points just for completing the assignment. (see grading rubric below).

Read entire assignment before submission to the link below. You will only submit this to Pearson Essay Collector. Do NOT email this writing to me nor try to upload it to Eagle Online. No late work accepted.

Since I will be out during Spring Break, you need to read and follow instructions carefully. The assignment is due by March 23 to Pearson Essay Collector.


Artists Kiki Smith and Martin Puryear are both well known for their three-dimensional works. However, in Art21videos, Martin Puryear: Printmaking 


and Kiki Smith: Printmaking http://media(dot)pearsoncmg(dot)com/ph/hss/SSA_SHARED_MEDIA_1/art/art21/kiki_smith.html

both artists are creating intaglio prints, a process in which ink embedded in grooves of a metal plate is pressed out onto paper.

Write an essay describing Puryear's and Smith's creative processes as shown in these videos. What does each artist enjoy about printmaking? Explain how these artists transformed their prints during the various stages of printing their designs.

You will listen and watch two videos. Take notes and then respond by writing to the prompt. You may read your textbook for further insight into the writing assignment. (Textbook download link is attached)


Grading Rubric

Development of Ideas: The observations or views you bring out in the essay. Answer what is being asked.

To focus on the questions being asked, write them down in your own words, so, you truly understand. Stretch yourself in your writing but stay focused on what is being asked.

Do you truly understand the prompt? If they are asking for compare and contrast did you do that? Have you read the textbook to help your knowledge and depth? Did you understand it? Would you be able to explain this to someone else? Did you use lots of details using the art vocabulary in the textbook? Are you using the vocabulary you learned from past chapters? If asked, did you discuss motivation of the artist?

Conventions: Refers to use of grammar, punctuation, and separation and connection of different ideas.

One suggestion is to write your essay in Microsoft Office and spell/grammar check your work. Also, proofread your writing before submitting? Did you check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence fragments or word choice? Did your writing interfere with your reader’s understanding? Did you use run-on or rambling sentences? Did you look for fragments?

Focus and Coherence: Have you communicated clearly enough for the reader to understand. Have you answered what has been asked?

Make note of names, dates, significance of the art, and technical terminology about how the art was made. Use visual details to make your point remembering to use art vocabulary. Again, answer what is asked on the prompt.

Did you response persuasively to justify your conclusions through logic, examples, and illustrative language? Did you make references to people, events, places, relationships, etc. effectively demonstrate a strong command of the relevant concepts in art?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Arts writing assignment
Kiki smith is the daughter of American sculptor Tony Smith, born in 1954 in Nuremberg, Germany. As a young girl who grew up in New Jersey her first experiences with art was assisting her father in making cardboards models for his geometric sculptures. The training from her father in formalist systems together with the advantage of growing up in the Catholic Church system would later help and resurface Kiki Smith’s evocative sculptures, prints and drawings.
Currently, Kiki Smith’s work involves the body as a receptacle for knowledge, belief and storytelling. Smith has literally turned the figurative tradition in sculpture inside out, creating objects and drawings based on cellular forms, organs, and the human nervous system. This body of work has evolved to incorporate domestic objects, animals, and narrative tropes from classical mythology and folk stories. Themes such as Life, death, and resurrection are major signposts in many of Smith’s installations and sculptures. Smith’s most work takes inspiration from the life of St. Genevieve, the patron saint of Paris who portrayed communing with a wolf taking shelter with its pelt and born from it is womb, Smith’s same characteristics of Genevieve shows the symbolic and complex relationships between animals and humans.
In the video, Kiki Smith and her team use a variety of ink with different colors, which they apply on their fingers. They then apply the ink to a machine with a smooth surface where they draw images such as th...
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