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An Ideal Work Environment

Essay Instructions:

Writing Assignment: Illustration Essay

You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional


This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You shouldalways avoid focusing solely on the grader’s DRAFT feedback; use the feedback as a supplement to thecourse lessons and your own revision ideas. Always expect to revise beyond what the DRAFT graderspecifically notes.In short, an illustration essay will use clear, interesting examples to show, explain, andsupport a thesis statement (remember, your thesis is your main argument, or the mainpoint you’re trying to make). One key to an effective illustration essay is to use enoughdetails and specific examples to make your point effectively. In other words, descriptivewriting is key. 

You have several options for this assignment, so you will need to choose one:  Illustrate the ideal work environment. If everything was perfect at work, what wouldit be like? Describe everything in this environment—perhaps from the dispositions ofyour coworkers and supervisors to what clothes you wear to work.  Illustrate what it means to be a “true friend.” What does being a “true friend” meanto you? What “true friends” have you had, and how do their actions coincide withbeing your definition of a “true friend?”  Illustrate how your favorite team or player received their current standing orranking. How did the team or player do in the most recent season? What qualities didthis team or player demonstrate to earn this ranking?  Look at your favorite poem or short story, and use illustration to explain whatmakes it your favorite. Do you enjoy the author’s language? Do you enjoy thestoryline? What else do you enjoy that makes it your favorite?  Illustrate the purpose of props on the set of your favorite media production. Whatprops are there? Why are they important?  Illustrate how to create your favorite dish. What steps are required to create thisdish? Be sure that you take your audience through this process step by step!  Illustrate how to play your favorite game. What steps and/or actions are necessaryto play this game? Take your readers through the motions, step by step.The questions above are designed to help you begin brainstorming ideas; however, you arefree to develop your own brainstorming questions and use them to develop your essay.Since the purpose of this essay is to illustrate, you should have enough specific details andexamples for your essay to be considered an illustration essay.Many illustrations may come from your personal experiences. However, even personalexperiences should be supported by research in college essays. Thus, you must cite at leastone credible 1 source to earn maximum credit for this essay. This resource from the course1 Please note: Basic dictionary sources, user-edited websites (e.g., Wikipedia, eHow, etc.), and sites that housedatabases of quotations are not considered “credible” sources. You will lose points in the Research category of therubric if your sources aren’t credible.will help you understand more about evaluating sources. Failure to use and cite at least onecredible source will result in a point deduction from your grade. Properly cite your source(s)in MLA format and include a Works Cited page (this resource from the course will help).Review the rubric for this essay to get an idea of how your work will be assessed.As with all college writing, your essay should have a strong thesis statement in addition to anintroduction, body, and conclusion.Thesis hints: Here are some general and specific examples of how you might think about yourthesis for this assignment:General:If you are illustrating qualities that make up something:In order for a friend to be considered a true friend, he or she must be (characteristic 1), (characteristic2), and (characteristic 3).ORIf you are illustrating a recipe:(Add a range of ingredients), (add major utensils needed), and (add time necessary) are all that arerequired to make (add dish).Specific:If you are illustrating qualities that make up something:In order for a friend to be considered a true friend, he or she must be loyal, honest, and trustworthy.ORIf you are illustrating a recipe:Fresh produce, mixing utensils, and about a half an hour are all you need to create excellentguacamole.The guidelines for this assignment are as follows:Length: This assignment should be at least 500 words.Header: Include a header in the upper left-hand corner of your writing assignment with thefollowing information:  Your first and last name  Course Title (Composition II)  Assignment name (Illustration Essay)  Current DateFormat:  MLA-style source documentation and Works Cited 2  Your last name and page number in the upper-right corner of each page2 This resource may be helpful as you are making MLA formatting decisions:https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/747/01/  Double-spacing throughout  Standard font (TimesNewRoman, Calibri)  Title, centered after heading  1” margins on all sides  Save the file using one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, .rtf, or .txtUnderline your thesis statement in the introductory paragraph.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
This paper provides an analysis of how the ideal work environment would look like. The paper relies on an ethnographic observation of Hard Rock restaurants. The main purpose of this analysis is to conduct a research of the behavior of workers working in an ideal organization with an aim of establishing the standard of behavior or norms for an ideal organization.
An Ideal Work Environment
An ideal work environment is one that is fast-paced, adaptive and takes challenges that comes on the way. Such an environment offers a strong work ethic but at the same time recognizes the importance of human side thereby offering a work-life balance (Heizer and Render 54).
Communication is smooth and relationships are well developed in an ideal working environment. The relationship between the staff and other staff and between the staff and the management is good. One element that can help determine whether the workers are in an ideal working environment is to observer whether their actions are constant in the presence or absence of their supervisors. When the supervisor is absent the workers does not behave in unseemly manner because they feel motivated and enjoy doing their work (Burchell and Jennifer 44). The standard of behavior or norms in an organization are not lowered when the supervisor is not around. When the supervisors are around the workers are still relaxed and socialize among themselves the same way they do when they are not around.
In an ideal working environment, one of the management agenda is to build a culture that assists the employees to grow, develop themselves and be naturally motivated in their work for productive and sustainable output. The managers ought to spotlight on issues connected to management, while ensuring high moral and ethical practices in the organization. An environment where ethical and moral standards are not observed and maintained in would not be an ideal place. An example of ethical and moral practice in an organization is non toleranc...
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