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Essay: The Trial

Essay Instructions:

You are allowed to come up with your own, although I would like you to clear it with me first. Essays should be around six pages (not including the title page or bibliography). The themes are deliberately broad, as part of the assignment involves your coming up with a clear, concise, and convincing thesis or argument about your theme in relation to The Trial.

Your essay should have an introductory paragraph that closes

with a proper and specific thesis statement, paragraphs organized around topics that reinforce your thesis, and a strong concluding paragraph.

For this essay I want you to use at least four critical resources, so check with me if you have trouble finding the most appropriate books and/or articles. Because the library is closed, I advise you to make use of the website JSTOR (which is free to access as Dalhousie students) provides thousands of articles on numerous subjects. I will be including a list of critical articles on The Trial that can be accessed via JSTOR, regardless of location. Note: Internet sources such as Wikipedia, Douban, SparkNotes, and CliffsNotes are not critical sources. Please ask me if you have any questions about the validity of a source.

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Essay: The Trial
The book titled The Trial is an eventful book with an exciting storyline. Due to the mystery behind the author's work style, many different readers have been hooked by the unique flow of the story. Aside from the plot, the characters were also interesting as they portrayed various characteristics. After the book gained fame, many people tried to identify the true meaning behind its words, which led to the different arguments related to this book. Middling to this, this paper proposes the theme of self-esteem and self-abasement that is abundant and shown in the book of Kafka, titled The Trial.
Life Behind the Book
The Trial is written by a famous writer named Franz Kafka, who captured his audience with this book after his death. Batuman disclosed the story behind how the book entitled The Trial and two more books named The Castle and Amerika got published even though Kafka had already died. He stated that the publication was due to Kafka’s friend Max Brod who, without Kafka's consent, published the books under Kafka’s name. Brod neglected Kafka's will that his works, diaries, sketches, and more are to be burned. All thanks to his excellent friend that Kafka made his figure during 20th-century literature (1).
The story started when Joseph K. started his day being arrested by two guards without knowing why he was being held up. It was his 30th birthday, unaware that he subconsciously went with the guards and faced an inspector. After a few exchanges of words, he was released for the time being, and before he knew, he was summoned for a hearing. Being unaware of the hearing's time, Joseph K. was late for his first hearing and was scolded by the magistrate (Franz). During the hearing, he pleaded his innocence by explaining his arrest situation in a disgraceful manner and walked out.
Afterward, he was scolded by the magistrate that his position in the trial has been dramatically declined. Days passed, and Joseph K. found a new lawyer to help him in his case with the help of his uncle. He met two different lawyers, yet the case was still the same as it was initially. He even met a painter in the courtroom that he thought would help him during his work hours in the bank. He also met a merchant under the provision of his second lawyer, although he viewed his second lawyer from a negative perspective. After a year, Joseph K. was again arrested on his 31st birthday and was then executed (Franz).
Self Esteem and Self Abasement
According to Cast & Burke, self-esteem is the result of an action and is a crucial determinant for self-verification. This process occurs within the self of an individual and with its surroundings as they adapt to it. It is also generally known as an indicator for self-concept, but self-esteem serves as the most significant factor in the concept of self. On the other hand, Stinson et al. refer to self-esteem as categorized as high and low self-esteem. It was also indicated that clarity is connected with self-esteem as it is a significant factor for determining an individual with high self-esteem (1541).
On the other hand, in modern philosophy, it is somewhat true that humiliation is interconnected with the attitude of belittling the self, which is sometimes called self-abasement. But it was argued that humiliation is being sought out in a different light. That is why it will be discussed from a different perspective (Jaskolla 585). In support of this, according to Exline & Geyer, self-abasement is also linked to low self-esteem and the concept of humility that can be considered both as s strength and a weakness. When humility is perceived negatively, that explains its connection with self-abasement, where an individual belittles their identity (95).
Such that psychological perspectives can be drawn out from the book of Franz Karka titled The Trial. Looking at its surface, different characters perceived their personalities, so we will discuss its connection with the appointed theme. This leads to the analysis of Joseph K., the protagonist of the story brought to light. As defined earlier, self-esteem is interrelated to self-concept, where clarity also takes part. According to Stinson et al., self-concept clarity occurs when a particular individual’s belief is specific, apparent, and has great confidence. That is why they perceived that a person with high self-esteem has a clear and clarified self-concept (1541). Looking back on the story, Joseph K. can be viewed as a character who has high confidence in himself. He brought himself independently to the courtroom after being summoned and eventually defended himself showed how his character has around characteristics.
As Joseph K. having high self-esteem according to his actions, it can also be seen that he also has a narcissistic side in his personality. Tracy et al. elaborated that having genuine high self-esteem can cause a person to have a good re...
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