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Sullivan's Article

Essay Instructions:

Read the following essay by Andrew Sullivan. You will be using this reading for the signal phrase practice and your first writing assignment.

You will be using the following quotation from Sullivan's article for signal phrase practice. Be sure you pay attention to the instructions in the Assignment section. The following is the quotation:

Centuries later, the Native Americans, similarly, saw smallpox as they saw most terrible events: through the prism of their gods and cosmologies. And as the unimaginable toll mounted, and the invaders seemed spared from the worst, many began to see the disease as some kind of proof of their own iniquity or to believe their gods had forsaken them. Their healing ceremonies and rituals, which sometimes included saunas followed by plunges into icy water, failed again and again. In his masterpiece, Plagues

and Peoples, William H. McNeill poignantly notes reports of unprecedented suicides in their ranks and even the abandonment of newborns, as Native Americans lost faith in their own civilization and gods.

And plagues drive people crazy. You might call them mass-disinhibiting events. It’s not hard to see why. When the plague returned to a fast repopulating Europe in the 14th century, in the Great Mortality known as the Black Death, up to 60 percent of Europeans perished in an astonishingly short amount of time. When normal life has been completely suspended, and when you don’t know if you’ll be alive or dead in a week’s time, people.

The assignment is: Using the above two paragraphs from Sullivan's article, write a 1-2 page essay in which you directly quote 2-3 points from the passage.

Be sure that you use a signal phrase to introduce the quotation,

provide context that leads into the quote, and directly quotes the passage. After the quotation, remember to provide a discussion of the significance of the quote to the point you are making. Do not simply tell me what the quote says. I've linked the above ppt's on signal phrases and paragraph components for your review. Be sure that you look at them carefully.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Sullivan’s Article
Plagues have been a common phenomenon around the world since time immemorial. Some plagues have affected a large group of individuals around the world that they have been declared a worldwide emergency. When there is a plague, almost everything stops as everyone tries to find ways of avoiding the plague and getting through the next day. The United States of America is one of those countries that have been affected by plagues. Therefore, plagues are a common phenomenon in the United States of America and the entire world, and they affect various individuals differently.
The United States of America has undergone various plagues in the past. The plagues have been in existence from as early as the 14th century. In his article “A Plague Is an Apocalypse. But It Can Bring a New World”, Andrew Sullivan mentions some of the plagues that the country has suffered. He states, “When the plague returned to a fast-repopulating Europe in the 14th century, in the Great Mortality known as the Black Death, up to 60 percent of Europeans perished in an astonishingly short amount of time”. From Sullivan’s statement, the United States of America has been through worse plagues that have seen many of its citizens perish. Fortunately, the country has been able to deal with every plague they have faced and emerged stronger. Despite all the plagues that the United States of America have faced before or will face in the future, they will be able to find a way to overcome it and continue with their day-to-day activities.
Plagues have negative impacts on every sector of the society. When a plague hits, not only are peo...
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