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Justice and Injustice in "The Trial" by Kafka

Essay Instructions:

Use at least four critical resources.

Your essay should have an introductory paragraph that closes

with a proper and specific thesis statement, paragraphs organized around topics that reinforce your thesis, and a strong concluding paragraph.

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Justice and Injustice in "The Trial" by Kafka
In any justice system, people often seek fairness, following a perceived or real action by others, which may have caused harmful outcomes to them. Many justice systems face challenges ensuring every person receives equality despite their social status or race. Putting someone to trial without making the person understand their crime is the highest level one crosses the line of justice. The "The Trial," Kafka displays injustice in Josef's case. The entire story epitomizes the innocence of Josef K, who is the main character. The author narrates how this character is arrested unfairly without an explanation of the reason for his apprehension. Therefore, in this light, the novel reflects the theme of justice and injustice, based on the various scenarios of injustice forms it presents through Josef K's character.
In the first instance, the story starts by showing injustice in arresting Josef K without him being made aware of his crime. He gets arrested one day with charges about which he lacks any idea. The case displays the lack of justice in a big way. The suspicion is seen when the accused Josef K is unaware of his crime. It shows how one can undergo the trial process unfairly and lacks a way out. The situation makes Josef's initial notion that he lives in a free country change. He no longer believes in freedom in his country. The pain and suffering make him feel he is unimportant.
Also, there is injustice in the secret court hearing of Josef K's case. He is only allowed to attend one trial in a tall block building with many poor people. The building is filthy, and its ventilation is unconducive. One of the dirty apartments is the one that was turned into a court of law. Everything about the situation is wrong because the government has set specific places to serve law courts (Edwin 206). Creating a new secret spot to become a court for Josef K makes the entire process suspicious. The whole process is a clear sign of injustice to an innocent person. The writer presents how people in power can cross all the presented laws with a single purpose of personal gain. They care less about the innocent people that suffer due to their acts of injustice. All they think of is how they will benefit from the process. It is all about their selfish reasons.
The writer also expresses injustice to Josef K because the judge already had the ruling before hearing the case. The story tells us that Josef K did not understand his charges before his hearing creating an unrealistic situation. It gets more shocking after comprehending that even the top officials accusing him are unaware of the accounts he is being judged. The story goes ahead and says that they did not even care to know about it. The writer tells us that the judge's books, as his case reference, did not have a relationship with the case. They are merely pornographic works that he is the only one who understood their use. The unjust system is shown with the case confusion and the lack of effort to even try and create some truth in the story. All they care about is to eliminate Josef at all costs.
A critique journal by Edwin speaks of unaltered law. He says, "A law is only applied justly if it is used as law and if the judge does not allow the fact that one of the litigants is his brother-in-law to affect his decision one way or the other: making an exception to the law is failing to apply the law, not using it in a unique way” (211). Through these statements, Edwin is trying to explain that law can only be just if it is fair. Neither relationship nor status should come between the rules of law. Every person has the right to justice. The law should not be lighter on other people and strict on others. Josef K did not have the privilege of fair judgment.
Injustice also presents in the novel when the speech Josef delivers in the court is disregarded. When allowed to defend himself, he comes up with an address that many people believe can rescue him, but that is wrong. The speech clarity becomes his downfall in...
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