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Essay 1: Connecting through Experience

Essay Instructions:

i have submitted an essay plan. in the plan, i have to write a narrative essay on a trip where i met a girl who became my girl friend and it is one of the things out of that trip that changed my way of seeing life.


Writers use personal experience to compose descriptive, narrative, informative, and

argumentative essays. They write about issues to prove a point or make a claim. Also, they use

evidence, personal or otherwise, as a means to support each paragraph. Likewise, you will

compose a similar kind of essay by relating your prior experience and assumptions to new

perspectives about a larger issue. Your connections should provide deeper insight to your


Writing Prompt:

Write an essay about an event (or connected series of events) that changed your behavior,

attitude, or outlook on life. Do not merely tell your experience, but recreate the action of the

experience, using vivid description, specific scenes, and dialogue to put your reader in the

moment. After you have narrated your experience, analyze in multiple paragraphs how the

experience impacted you. Your analysis should include one piece of evidence that is quoted in

MLA citation style.

Invention Techniques:

Before writing the essay, begin identifying your issue through a series of invention techniques,

including but not limited to the following: brainstorming, listing, clustering, questioning, and so

forth. You must submit at least two invention techniques as part of the final essay grade.

Planning & Organization Process:

After the invention process, it is important for you to begin planning the organizational pattern

for the essay. Planning includes identifying your thesis, establishing main ideas (or topic

sentences) for each paragraph, supporting each paragraph with appropriate evidence, and

creating ideas for the introductory and concluding paragraphs.

Drafting & Revision Process:

Once you have completed the planning process, write a rough draft of your essay. Next, take

steps necessary to improve, polish, and revise your draft before turning it in for a final grade. The

revision process includes developing ideas, ensuring the thesis statement connects to the main

ideas of each paragraph, taking account of your evidence and supporting details, checking for

proper use of MLA citation style, and proofreading for formatting and/or grammatical errors.


• MLA Format

• 3-5 pages (double spaced), not including the Work Cited page.

• One in-text citation in the body of your essay

• Work Cited page with your one credible source

• Invention techniques, planning and organizational process, rough draft, revision material,

and final draft, submitted with the final draft as the first pages.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Connecting Through Experience
Throughout my life, I have always heard the phrase “You should travel more.” More often than not, it has been said to me by friends and family that I believe have my best interests at heart. A couple of months ago, I decided to heed the advice finally and plan a trip. Not keen on doing anything extravagant or wildly ambitious, I elected to visit the small town about 2 hours away from my own for a week. This small town has always been praised for its beautiful landscapes and breathtaking views, and I thought it would be great to enjoy some good scenery and much-needed relaxation for a week. I was meticulous in my planning, making sure I did not forget any of the items I consider fundamental. I planned and arranged my suitcase about three-times over, and once I was satisfied, I set out for my trip.
I must admit that I was excited for this trip, particularly since I had chosen to travel alone and was looking forward to meeting new people, learning new things, and generally having a great and relaxing time. However, I must admit that while I was excited, my trip did not exactly kick off in great fashion. First off, my drive was relatively short, and I lost my way after making a wrong exit. On the first day, the chilly weather and slight rain made it impossible to leave the warm cabin that was my home for the next week. On the second day, I had the opportunity to visit some of the scenic parts of town and enjoy myself, but my pleasure was cut short by a bee sting at the local park that almost brought me to tears. Admittedly, my trip was going horribly, and I had decided that if the third day took a similar turn, I would go back home, having decided that the whole idea of traveling was not just for me.
Fate, it seems, must have had different plans for me on the third day. I had decided to walk around town and get a cup of coffee from a homely-looking café that I had...
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