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Discussion Assignment Paper About Employee Responsibility

Essay Instructions:

Chapter Seven - Review Questions
At the end of each chapter are a list of questions intended to help you review and synthesize the material covered. I will create some of the exam questions from these review questions, so to help you both solidify what you've learned in the chapter and prepare for the exams, I will create an assignment where you will answer ONE of the questions. 
These assignments are part of the Reading & Writing Skills grade. Hopefully, the quality of the responses will be such that they will be a resource for review and comprehension in preparation for the exams. I will post them (without names) to Canvas before each exam.
Type the question before your answer.
The last section of Chapter Seven considers responsibilities employees might have to third parties outside the workplace, that is, responsibilities to parties other than their employer. The following questions seek to build understanding of such responsibilities.
How does insider trading done by corporate executives (such as in the case of Enron) unfairly harm the shareholders of the company? (21-31)

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Employee Responsibility
Institutional Affiliation
In the marketplace, there are different people who play the role of ‘gatekeepers’ to ensure that businesses operate as they are supposed to. The gatekeeper’s job is to make sure that companies are not deceitful and are free from frauds. Failure to play their roles as required, may lead to collapse of big companies which in turn affects the economy adversely. Gatekeepers include auditors, advocates, accountants and financial analysts. The great challenge is that some of these gatekeepers are paid handsomely by these companies that they are supposed to be auditing and keeping in check. The collapse of a company is in other instances caused by greed and corruption of the top managers such as in the case of Enron.
Enron went into joint partnerships with SPEs in order to create a perception that it was doing well financially since it was paying off its debts and reducing its liability. Enron was paying off debts from capital acquired from the partnerships with SPEs. Nonethe...
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